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The authorities were obliged to write and ask Las Casas to delay his entrance a little, until they could quiet popular excitement. The Bishop at length came into the city about ten o'clock one morning, and went at once to the Dominican monastery. The synod or council that Las Casas had come to attend was composed of five or six bishops and the chief theologians and learned men of the colony.

The theologians have given the name CONCUPISCENCE or CONCUPISCIBLE APPETITE to the passionate greed for sensual things, the effect, according to them, of original sin.

So the first page on the gospel history anticipates the sad issue: 'They shall come from the east, and from the west, and you yourselves shall be thrust out. III. Then followed the council of the theologians, with its solemn illustration of the difference between orthodoxy and life, and of the utter hollowness of mere knowledge, however accurate, of the letter of Scripture.

"Instead of which" says the letter of the canons "he denies the divine origin of the tax, and seems to regard it as tyranny, if it be strictly enforced. Is it any wonder that the people stick to him? He makes us odious to the laity, calls the monks 'theologians of the cowl, and whatever he hears bad of them, he talks about it in the pulpit."

In old times, you see, a man who wanted to educate himself a Frenchman, for instance would have set to work to study all the classics and theologians and tragedians and historiaris and philosophers, and, you know, all the intellectual work that came in his way.

All this was directly opposed to that fundamental principle of theologians that God, being the infinitely perfect Being, cannot suffer, because suffering indicates imperfection. To Miss Beecher's mind the lack of ability to suffer with his suffering creatures was a more serious imperfection.

She gives one a word over one shoulder, and one over t'other, and if the Lord above knows what's in that gal's mind or what she's up to, he knows more than I do, or she either, else I lose my bet." Biah made this admission with a firmness that might have been a model to theologians or philosophers in general. There was a point, it appeared, where he was not omniscient.

"We priests of Rome, who have long lived at Rome, know much better what the New Testament is made of than the heretics and their theologians, not forgetting their Tinkers; though I confess some of the latter have occasionally surprised us for example, Bunyan. The New Testament is crowded with allusions to heathen customs, and with words connected with pagan sorcery.

Such is the meaning of the enigma which has caused so many scandals among theologians and legists, and regarding which the Christian Church has blundered twice, first, in condemning every sort of interest, and, second, in taking the side of the economists and thus contradicting its old maxims.

At the same time, however, he appointed in Madrid a commission of theologians to whom he propounded the question, "Is it necessary to grant to the provinces the religious toleration they demand?"