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But thees mornin' I'm seein' thot hombre in town, and so I haf go gettin' you to coom help me. But you haf steal seex dolars. I'm forgettin' thot not! And if you say soomt'ing to soombody soomtime, I'm havin' you arrested, Franke, for a t'ief and a robber same as I ought to arrest thot Pedro Garcia oop in the canyon." Franke maintained discreet silence. But not for long.

"I carve zee meats," went on the amiable Pierre. "You haf nozzing to do wiz zee meats. You rest zee deesh on zee flat uf zee hand, so! Always sairve to zee right uf zee guest. Vatch zat i zay do not move vhile you sairve. You spill zee soup, and I keel you! To spill zee soup ees a crime. Now, take hold uf thees soup deesh." Warburton took it clumsily by the rim.

I turned away in some discomfiture to join Enriquez, who was calmly awaiting me, with a cigarette in his mouth, outside the sala. Yet he looked so unconscious of any previous absurdity that I hesitated in what I thought was a necessary warning. He, however, quickly precipitated it. Glancing after the retreating figures of the two women, he said: "Thees mees from Boston is return to her house.

Mush on there!" said Jean, firmly, but not harshly; and again the whip curled about Jan's shoulders as, puzzled, humiliated, hurt, and above all bewildered, he plunged forward again in the traces, and heard Jean mutter behind him: "Good dog, thees Jan. By gar! hee's good dog." And that was how the new life, the working life, began for Jan, the son of Finn and Desdemona.

'Maister Huckaback, he began, pointing with his pipe at him, the end that was done in sealing-wax, 'tooching of what you was plaized to zay 'bout this here parish, and no oother, mind me no oother parish but thees, I use the vreedom, zur, for to tell 'e, that thee be a laiar.

He carried out his bluff, unbuckling and buckling one of the straps, then mildly straightened up and faced the man. "Pedro," he began, tensely, "you haf know José, Juan, Manuel, Francisco, Carlotta all haf know thot eet is only one t'ief in all thees place! And thot man thot t'ief is Pedro Garcia!" Pedro grunted. "Where you haf steal thot horse?" he repeated, without show of anger.

His black eyes snapped, his hair bristled, he arose from his chair and gesticulated. "Every year I geev heem three ship! Three ship!" he repeated, thrusting three stubby fingers at Welton's face. "Three little ship! I stay all summer! He never say permit. Thees year he kip me out." "Give any reason?" asked Welton. "He say my ship feed over the line in gov'ment land." "Did they?"

"What did it look like, Fraulein?" asked Cicely. "Chust like thees," was the astonishing answer, as absent-minded Fraulein held forth the missing umbrella, which all that time she had held tightly clasped in her hand, and which had been the cause of Edith's question as to whether she had more than one, for she supposed, of course, that the one Fraulein was so tightly holding must either be one she did not care to carry, or else one she was about to return to someone from whom she had probably borrowed it.

Thees leetle piece land run down close to the rivaire, below Poetical, at those Sowfoot Crossing, and eet ees not vair' good land for the farming " Thud! Thud! The old man caught his temples with both hands. "I am 'most craze' by that steam-drill," he whispered. "Eet come so close to our secret. Let us get away. That sound cr-r-aze me. Found! Found! Vair' large lode, Mistaire Steering. Sacré!

"It was the fault of you," she said, in a broken English that seemed as much infantine as foreign. "What for you not remain to yourself in your own CASA? So it come. You creep so in the dark and shake my wall, and I fall. And she," pointing to the guitar, "is a'most broke! And for all thees I have only make to you a serenade. Ingrate!"