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"'Tis nachrul as you harp on it; an', blame me, if I sees why you shouldn' go down-long. Us might ride in the cart an' no harm done." "Ay, do 'e come, theer's a dear sawl. Just to look upon the plaace " "As for that, if us goes, us must see the matter through an' give your faither the chance to do what's right by 'e."

Her was here this mornin' t' ask me to open it and read it along with her. Theer's no tekin' note of her, Reuben, poor old ooman. Her's got a hive in her head. 'Do you know this young man's character' her says. 'Why, yis, I says; 'it'd be odd if I didn't, I says.

"Can't a chap call on his feyther 'ithout the Midland counties turnin' out to look at him?" Snac asked, smilingly. "Yis," returned the ancient, who was conveniently deaf on a sudden. "Theer's been no such fine ripenin' weather for the wheat sence I wur a lad." Snac gave the riding-whip he carried a burlesque threatening flourish, and the old boy grinned humorously.

'Tis lonesome-like now, along o' being deserted, an' you'll hear the rats galloping an' gallyarding by night, but 'twill soon be all it was again a dear li'l auld plaace, sure enough!" She eyed the desolation affectionately. "Theer's money in it, any way, for what wan man can do another can."

"The best can do no more," said Fuller, in a mellow, peace-making kind of murmur; "the best can do no more." "I've no mind for that theer whisperin' and shout-in' in the course of a piece of music," said Sennacherib. "Pianner is pianner, and forte is forte, but theer's no call to strain a man's ears to listen to the one, nor to drive him deaf with t'other.

"Theer's no fool like an old fool," he said, when he paused at his nephew's side. "Theer's nothing as is longed for like that as can niver be got at. Good-day, lad. Tek her away and niver let anybody maul her i' that fashion again, poor thing. I'll rest a while. Good-day, Reuben." Reuben thus dismissed shook hands and went his way, bearing his uncle's gift with him.

"And yet I don't know that I can. I don't know that I have a right to explain. I could ask Ruth's advice. It's hard to know what to do in such a case." "Theer's no such thing as a straight wescut i' the house, worse luck," said Fuller. "Theer is a clothesline, if that 'ud serve as well." "May I see Miss Ruth, sir?" asked Reuben. "I'll tell you all about it if I can.

The schoolmaster, who prides himself on having the fleetest foot in the district, has undertaken to catch a rabbit. Trial of speed is made, and he succeeds in two hundred yards. "Theer's none to match the laal limber Frenchman," says Mattha, "for catching owte frae a rabbit to a slap ower the lug at auld Nicky Stevens's."

It's a poor folly, maybe, for a man o' my years to talk o' breakin' his heart over a toy like that, and yet, if the tone wasn't to come after all! That 'nd be a bitter pill, Reuben. No, no. It's a thousand to one the power's left me, but theer's just a chance it hasn't. I feel it theer."

"While thus employed, both she and Uncle Thomas tried to draw Joan out of her gloomy silence. "Theer's to be a braave sight o' singin' down to Penzance come next week, Joan. Lunnon folks, they tell me, wi' names a foot tall stuck 'pon the hoardings. Us thot 'twould be a pleasin' kind o' junketin' to go an' listen. Not but entertainments o' singin' by night be mighty exciting to the blood.