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'I feel, as a private citizen, that so long, he says, 'as the br-right star iv liberty shines resplindent over our common counthries, with th' example iv Washin'ton in ye'er eyes, an' th' iliction comin' on, that ye must go forward an' conker or die, he says. 'An', he says, 'Willum McKinley is not th' man to put annything in ye'er way, he says.

Hopalong leaned back and laughed, at the same time taking from his pocket the six extracted cartridges. Arising and going over to the bed he slipped them in the chambers of the new gun and then placed the loaded weapon at the sheriff's elbow. "Well, I reckon I'll amble, sheriff," he said as he opened the door. "If yu ever sifts up my way drop in an' see me th' boys'll give yu a good time."

Sale was going out into the hot street, jubilant, and I was the more than probable nominee of the Democratic party of the th district for Congress! I knew that Sale would make good his word; and, having given it, I would stick to mine. But my tempter out of the way, I writhed and groaned under my folly and weakness. I grabbed up my hat, and hurried back to court as in a nightmare.

"You're like all th' rest," she went on, after a moment, "just like all th' rest. I was beginnin' t' think that you was diff'rent. You've been so white about Bennie. An' you washed Ma's hair I wouldn't 'a' done that myself! But now now it sticks out all over you; th' I'm-better-'n-you-are stuff. I never could think of a thing, I couldn't. But you you're smart, you are. You could think "

Back to the corner of the house, around, they went, and finally, out in front they turned as one man and rode away from the Stronghold and Jim Banner was swearing like a fury, steadily, in a high-pitched voice. "Failed!" he cried between his oaths, "failed in our biggest job! That's th' gun, all right, all right, an' that damned woman beat us to it!

The next look and, with the cry: "Come on, everybody, as quick as th' Lord will let you," he sprang out on the limb and began working his way down the tree so recklessly that more than once he was in danger of falling.

We pray you to give us your sentiments on this subject by return of the first post, as he is waiting here, and we wish the aid of your counsels therein. We are to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of June 3rd, informing us of your reception at the court of London. I am, with sentiments of great respect and esteem, Dear Sir, your friend and servant, Th: Jefferson. Paris, June 16, 1785. Sir,

That tree wasn't felled by any axe. It grew at the edge of the lake, where the ground was soft and moist. It was blown down in some storm or hurricane, and fell into the water. Gradually th' roots an' branches broke off, and after a long while many years, mebbe the bare trunk floated off.

Unless we diligently watch and pray, Our pride will our humility precede: By th' nose, our unbelief our faith will lead. Self-love will be where self-denial should; And passion heat, what patience sometime cool'd. And thus it will be with us night and day, Unless we diligently watch and pray.

"Did you ever see th' like o' that?" His companions remained curiously silent. "Gully!" he continued, with vibrating voice, "whoever'd a-thought that that drawlin' English dude could shoot like that? . . . Fred Storey should have been here. . . ." Still getting no response to his remarks he glanced up wonderingly.