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In August last a decree was passed abolishing preliminary examinations for persons wishing to become students. It was considered that very many people who could attend the lectures with profit to themselves had been prevented by the war or by pre-revolution conditions from acquiring the sort of knowledge that could be tested by examination.

He groped in his loosened pack. He pulled out of it the mask he had tested once before, and, with desperate haste, adjusted it over mouth and nostrils. It had been near, so near. He knew now how nearly disaster had clutched at him. Furthermore he knew that even now the danger was by no means passed. The heavy fumes of Adresol were creeping through the woods about him.

What happens, physiologically, when children girls are are nearly ten?" "Deviltry, often. At nine they are too old to spank, too young to reason with it's the dangerous age, at least the outer circle of the dangerous age." Martin tested the second sandwich. "And the prescription? What do you prescribe for the dangerous age?"

Within a few weeks thereafter the plan was severely tested by revolutionary movements arising, with a consequent demand for unity of action on the part of the military power of the federal States to suppress them. Under this strain the new union seems to have been weakened through the withdrawal of its more important members.

The standard weights and measures are kept in government custody, and traders have to send their yard measures and scales thither if they wish them tested; but the engrafted word, faithfully used and submitted to, is always at hand, and ready to pronounce its decrees, and to cut to the quick the evil by which the understanding is darkened and conscience sophisticated. III. The manner of its use.

It was his duty, not merely to himself but to her, to conquer. But, on the other hand, he had never fully tested her powers of sheer obstinacy, her willingness to sacrifice everything for the satisfaction of a whim; and he feared these powers.

The Chinese do not want to fight, but they will not accept the position relatively to the strangers under which alone strangers will consent to live with them, till the strength of the two parties has been tested by fighting. The English do want to fight. December 18th. This does not promise to be a lively sojourn.

A sifting process went on in the churches, by which the unimportant and objectionable writings were gradually winnowed out and the wheat retained. The Christian consciousness tried and tested every writing, accepting those which approved themselves inspired by inspiring.

Helena's knowledge of motor cars and engine trouble was not extensive she was conversant only with the "fool's mate" of motoring. "Maybe there's no gasoline," she suggested helpfully. "Nonsense!" returned Thornton, with a laugh. "I told Babson to see that the tank was full before he brought the car around he wouldn't forget a thing like that." Thornton, nevertheless, tested the gasoline tank.

Again he tested the branch, and then reaching upward as far as he could for a safe hold he drew himself painfully and slowly upward until his feet swung clear of the canoe, which, released, floated silently from beneath him to be lost forever in the blackness of the dark shadows down stream. He had burned his bridges behind him.