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"Youse plants de pertatoes by de moon. Irish pertatoes planted on de light of de moon will go ter vine and der neber will be a tater on de vine. If youse plant dem by de dark of de moon yourall's pertatoes will be plentiful. "If youse maks soap it must be made by de light of de moon or de soap will all turn to grease. "If youse sneeze wen you eats you will shorely die.

"Gwine ter run all night, Gwine ter run all day, I'll bet my money on de bobtail nag, Oh, who's gwine ter bet on de bay?" Ben ran out into the hall. Graciella had changed her position and was sitting alone, perturbed in mind. "Come on, Graciella, let's get into the Virginia reel; it's the last one." Graciella obeyed mechanically. Ben, on the contrary, was unusually animated.

Most of these persons I have met for the first time today; but Konev is an old acquaintance of mine, for he and I have more than once encountered one another on the road between Kursk and the province of Ter.

"I whistled along and didn't think nothin' 'bout ther walk; 'cause, yer see, I allus liked ther woods, and enjoyed bein' thar. Arter I got to the lot, I found the wood, and went ter work to get it piled. 'Twarn't much of a job, and I got it done afore noon and then sot down on a log and waited for the old man ter come.

De rain fall so saf' in de long dark night, Twel you hatter hol' yo' han' for a sign, But de drizzle w'at sets de tater-slips right Is de makin' er de May-pop vine. In de mellerest groun' de clay root 'll ketch En hol' ter de tongue er de plow, En a pine-pole gate at de gyardin-patch Never 'll keep out de ole brindle cow.

He paused as he saw the mother's lips suddenly close and a shadow pass over her dark, sensitive face. "Hit's no use ter worry, Nancy," he went on good-naturedly. "I promised you not ter take him 'less he wanted ter go. But hit's in the blood, and hit's got ter come out." Tom picked the Boy up and placed him on his knee and stroked his dark head. Sarah crouched at his feet and smiled.

The youngest three clung to her skirts and stared, with fearful eyes, at the man on the horse, while he of the tousled head threw stones at the dog and commanded him, in a shrill voice, to "shet up, dad burn ye Kinney, shet up. He's all right." "Wanter go ter Simpson's at the corners, do ye?" said the woman. "Wal, yer right smart offen yer road."

"If you-uns can stand what we-uns has ter, w'y come right in and set you a cheer." If the man of the house has misgivings as to the state of the larder, he will say: "I'll ax the woman gin she can git ye a bite." Seldom does the wife demur, though sometimes her patience is sorely tried.

"I reckon ye will; but I warn't so sure o' that at fust," replied the elder. "They 'peared ter me at fust ter be sorter set ag'in us leastwise me, though arter a while I could hardly git away from 'em, they war so durned friendly."

Thar, where ye see thet house, all lit up from the basement ter the look-out on the ruf, is whar one o' the most 'ristocratic families in all Tennessee lives.