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Kautz, so brilliant and gay, held grand court here receptions, military functions, lawn tennis, bright uniforms, were the order of the day. And that incomparable climate! How I revelled in it! When the fog rolled in from the Golden Gate, and enveloped the great city of Saint Francis in its cold vapors, the Island of the Angels lay warm and bright in the sunshine.

When he did, it was only to wonder rather frigidly if this fellow with glasses who played tennis and danced and swam and watched and commented athletically on the Davis Cup finals, sitting between Elinor Piper and Juliet Bellamy whom he had taken to dances off and on ever since he had had his first pair of pumps, could really be he. The two people didn't feel in the least the same. The two Mr.

I got a sense of there being a connection between brushing the teeth and the enemy's guns. You find in roughing it that a coating of dirt seems to keep out chill. We women suffered, but we knew that the boys in tennis shoes suffered more in that wet season, and the soldiers without socks, just the bare feet in boots. In the late fall, we rooted around in the deserted barns for potatoes.

'I see, said Miss Wendover, smiling at him; 'you don't quite like the afternoon dances and tennis parties at Bournemouth. 'Pray don't suppose I am jealous, said the Curate. 'My trust in my darling's goodness and purity is the strongest part of my love.

By Russia every one of us, sitting in that huge room, meant something different. To Goga she was home, a white house on the Volga, tennis, long evenings, early mornings, holidays in a tangled wilderness of happiness. To Sister K she was "Holy Russia," Russia of the Kremlin, of the Lavra, of a million ikons in a million little streets, little rooms, little churches.

The whole scheme of my life, beginning, middle and end, swings around her. Without her inspiration I don't like to think what the end of me might have been. And it's just as true to-day as it was in the stress of the fight. I was twenty-six when I met Ruth and she was eighteen. She came out to the club one Saturday afternoon to watch some tennis.

And although I've only been in it once I've known it by sight all my life. Martin's father had it built, Papa George, and it's awfully nice and sporting, with kennels, and tennis courts, and everything." "Yes, and beautifully furnished, I remember. I dined there several times, years ago before Mr. Gray had " Mrs. Harley drew up short. Mrs. Ludlow finished the sentence.

Amid these consoling reflections, Hermon fell asleep, and awoke fresher and more cheerful than he had been for some time. He had to spend two whole weeks more in Tennis, for the burns healed slowly, and an anxious fear kept him away from Alexandria.

Hardy practically carries the California Association single handed. He is a big factor in American tennis success. From up in Washington State, a fine young player, Marshall Allen, has come to the fore. Charles S. Garland, the Davis Cup star, is a former junior Champion of America, and a product of the junior system in Pittsburg, which is so ably handled by his father, Charles Garland.

You meet in your strolls, if you live in the country, you continually "drop in" to tea and tennis at each other's houses. If you live in a town, you drop in just before or just after your round of more formal visits, and you get to know each others' daily lives, daily interests, pleasures, and difficulties very thoroughly, and this interweaving of the day-to-day existence forms many a friendship.