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Wainwright to tell the story of how he treed the bear so that the tenderfoot author could come and shoot it. Mr. Wainwright responded with gusto. The story was a success. He varied it by requesting young Dobel to describe the snowslide which had wiped out the Vorheimer shack the winter before.

Roosevelt walked deliberately towards him, and before the bully suspected it, the "tenderfoot" felled him with a sledgehammer blow. In falling, a pistol went off wide of its mark, and the bully lay in a faint. Before he could recover, Roosevelt stood over him ready to pound him again. But the bully did not stir, and he was carried off into another room.

Some folks say that Mexicans are good people; it is the climate, possibly, but they can always be depended on to assay high in treachery." "What guard are you going to put me on to-night?" inquired old man Carter of Baugh. "This outfit," said Baugh, in reply, "don't allow any tenderfoot around the cattle, at night, at least. You'd better play you're company; somebody that's come.

You make me sore, I'll tell a man!" "That's enough, Sue," growled the father. "What's enough?" "We ain't goin' to have no more show about this. I've had my supper spoiled by it already." "I say it's a rotten shame," broke out Sue, and she repeated, "Ralph's too good for her. All because of a city dude a tenderfoot!" In the extremity of her scorn her voice drawled in a harsh murmur.

"What's 'chechako' mean?" Kit asked. "You're one; I'm one," was the answer. "Maybe I am, but you've got to search me. What does it mean?" "Tenderfoot." On his way back to the beach, Kit turned the phrase over and over. It rankled to be called tenderfoot by a slender chit of a woman.

In a few days all these distinctions had been mastered, and only the closest observer was able to "cut out" Mose as a "tenderfoot." Pratt was bound for his brother's ranch on the Big Sandy River, and so pushed on steadily, although it was evident that he was not looked upon with favor. He had reached a section of country where the cattlemen eyed his small outfit with contempt and suspicion.

The trees would not be permanently satisfactory under such conditions as you describe, though they might grow well at first. It would be interesting, of course, to make a small-scale experiment to demonstrate what would actually occur and it would, perhaps, give you a chance to sell out to a tenderfoot. Planting in Mud.

They were making themselves comfortable lying flat on their stomachs and exposing as little as possible of their precious bodies to the danger of that tenderfoot firing wild.

But still, most likely every gent in camp would maintain doorin' his novitiate a decent distance with this yere stranger; they wouldn't onbuckle an' be drunk with him free an' social like, an' with the bridle off, like pards who has crossed the plains together an' seen extremes. All this, with a chill onto it, a tenderfoot would find himse'f ag'inst for the first few months in Wolfville.

Then came Ferguson's voice again, dry, filled with a quiet earnestness: "I ain't goin' to hurt you you're still tenderfoot with a gun. I just wanted to show these boys that you're a false alarm. I reckon they know that now." Leviatt sneered. There was a movement behind Ferguson. Tucson's gun was half way out of its holster. And then arose Rope's voice as his weapon came out and menaced Tucson.