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She telled as how he'd shaped his course to the south'ard, with his gun on his shoulder, swearin' he'd blow the head off ye or never come home to Chance Along no more. So Nick an' me puts two an' two forninst each other an' figgered as how Dick would have ye if somethin' didn't happen to t'row out his plans." "Ye bain't got the right o' it there, Bill," said Nick.

It was de peartest little thing! and Missis she seemed to think a heap on 't, at first; it never cried, it was likely and fat. But Missis tuck sick, and I tended her; and I tuck the fever, and my milk all left me, and the child it pined to skin and bone, and Missis wouldn't buy milk for it. She wouldn't hear to me, when I telled her I hadn't milk.

"I were with my little woman in spirit," the squatter interrupted, "when I weren't tryin' to get even with you. Mister, will ye swear by God that ye telled me the truth about the baby?" "I swear by God!" repeated Vandecar solemnly. "And I believe ye. I could a been good, if I'd a had the little kid awhile. It were a bit of her, a little, livin' bit. I could a been, but I wasn't, a good man.

'She bid me come and see her, said Kester. 'Only this mornin', at missus' buryin', she telled me to come. So Phoebe went off to inform Sylvia that Kester was there; and returned with the desire that he would walk into the parlour. An instant after he was gone, Phoebe heard him return, and carefully shut the two doors of communication between the kitchen and sitting-room.

"I jest call 'im Number Ten," said Jim, in response to the inquiries that were made of him concerning his companion, "He never telled me his name, an' I never axed 'im. I'm 'Number Nine, an' he's 'Number Ten, and that's all thar is about it."

Shall I tell thee a love story or a fairy story, such as I've telled Master Thurstan many a time and many a time, for all his father set his face again fairies, and called it vain talking; or shall I tell you the dinner I once cooked, when Mr Harding, as was Miss Faith's sweetheart, came unlooked for, and we'd nought in the house but a neck of mutton, out of which I made seven dishes, all with a different name?"

Supper-time passed, and the cool stars came twinkling out; but still Nick Attwood did not come. "He hath stayed to sleep with Robin, Master Burgess Getley's son," said Mistress Attwood, standing in the door, and staring out into the dusk; "he is often lonely here." "He should ha' telled thee on it, then," said Simon Attwood. "This be no way to do. I've a mind to put him to a trade."

"He's the same feller, an' no mistake, if so be he hain't slipped his skin," said Jim, "an' no triflin'. I make my Happy David on't." "Did Mr. Belcher ever send into the woods to find him?" "Yis," said Jim, laughing, "but I choked 'em off." "How did you choke them off?" "I telled 'em both I'd lick 'em if they ever blowed.

What could a fellow who had never been many miles from home know about the wonders of the deep, that he should put him down in that way? "Well, it were Jack Harris, our third mate last voyage, as many and many a time telled us all about it.

At last she said: "Well, den, arter dey had 'ranged dat plot dey lef' de room. And I come out and waylaid my ladyship to tell her all about it and put her on her guard. And I met her on de stairs jus' as I telled you afore, and she looking like an angel o' beauty; but she wouldn't stop to listen to me. She tole me to go to her dressing room and wait for her there.