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John Blake, when the clerk and the telephone-girl were again interrupted by an excited gentleman. His white whiskers framed an anxious, kindly face, his white waistcoat bound a true and tender heart. "Has Mr. Blake arrived?" he demanded with some haste. "Just a minute ago," the clerk replied, and was surprised at the disappointment his answer caused. "I must see him," cried the old gentleman.

"Not a cent to keep up the mausoleum or anything," Mrs. Graves confided to me. "And nothing to the church. All to that telephone-girl, who comes from no one knows where! It's enough to make her father turn over in his grave. It has set people talking, I can tell you." Maggie's mental state during the days preceding the funeral was curious.

They could not tease each other and flirt raucously, like the telephone-girl and the elevator-starter. Every day he begged her to go to dinner with him, to let him call at the flat, and after a week she permitted him to come. §

Quite hysterical, she is, they tell me, and the maid was asking for the doctor Front! 625!" Uncle Richard's face, as he met John's eyes, was a study. The telephone-girl disentangled the receiver from her pompadour so that she might hear without hindrance the speech which was bursting through the swelling buttons of the white waistcoat and making the white whiskers quiver.

His voice sounds sort of familiar to me when he talks mad." But John had neither eyes nor ears for Uncle Richard's wrath. He snatched the key and the paper upon which the supercilious clerk had inscribed, at Marjorie's embarrassed dictation, "Mrs. An hour or so later the attention of the clerk and the telephone-girl was again drawn to the complicated Blakes.

Carl himself, being anything but bored, was as faithfully devoted as the least enterprising of moral young men, He forgot Gertie, did not write to Istra Nash the artist, and when the VanZile office got a new telephone-girl, a tall, languorous brunette with shadowy eyes and fine cheeks, he did not even smile at her. But was Ruth so bound? She still refused to admit even that she could fall in love.

So the bridegroom set out upon his quest and the clerk, less world-weary than his predecessor, turned back to the telephone-girl. Presently there approached the desk a brisk, business-like person who asked a few business-like questions and then registered in a bold and flowing hand, "Mr. and Mrs. Robert Blake, Boston." "My husband," she announced, "will be here presently."

This was the situation a month before election day when, to oblige his brother-in-law, Wharton was up-town at Delmonico's lunching with Senator Bissell. Down-town at the office, Rumson, the assistant district attorney, was on his way to lunch when the telephone-girl halted him. Her voice was lowered and betrayed almost human interest.

Laughing till they nearly cried, with Father shamelessly squeezing her arm on public thoroughfares, they again plunged into the Roman pleasures of the little tinsel restaurant. And like two lovers, like the telephone-girl in your office and the clerk next door, they made an engagement to meet at noon, next day, in a restaurant half-way between Regalberg's and Father's store.

I tried to speak to Huntington on the telephone, but I only succeeded in speaking to a telephone-girl and she told me that he was busy "Please tell Mr. Huntington I have a job to close out, a seventeen-dollar garment for seven fifty." "Mr. Huntington is busy." At this moment it seemed to me that all talk of American liberty was mere cant