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"Never mind," he assured her, "I can teach you in a few lessons." So it was settled, and they talked of other things, laughing merrily, frequently, while Mormon Joe and Teeters discussed with some gravity the fact that it had been several months since the latter had been able to get his wages from Toomey.

"Set on their heads, Old Timers" to the volunteers who were endeavoring to disentangle the struggling horses and shook hands with Disston. "This is Mrs. Rathburn and Miss Rathburn, Clarence " Mr. Teeters bowed profoundly, and as he removed his hat his bang fell in his eyes, so that he looked like a performing Shetland pony. "Much obliged to meet you, ladies," deferentially.

For an instant Disston looked at her with an expression which was at once angry and startled, but before he had framed an answer Teeters appeared in the doorway behind them and said soberly: "Looks like somethin' serious is startin' over yonder." He nodded toward the mountains. "What do you mean?" Disston asked quickly.

Teeters thrust himself in the sick man's line of vision and elucidated: "Feller, I'm sorry to tell you you ain't goin' to 'make the grade' they's no possible show fur you an' Mis' Taylor here, who's a personal friend, you might say, of all the leadin' sperrits in the Sperrit World, has come to kind of prepare you " Mullendore's lips moved with an effort: "There ain't nothin' after this."

"I'm all on the teeters to understand what all this is about. Who is it you must see? Now, for my own part, I don't want to see any one; only I wish you would tell me what" "Oh, spare me the recital at present. I'm so agitated by recent events, that, that indeed you must excuse me. Oh come quickly, quickly, come!"

I come over on business. Bowers's my name. I'm a-workin' for Miss Prentice. I'm a sheepherder myself by perfession." Teeters received the announcement with equanimity, so he continued: "Along about two o'clock this afternoon I got an idea that nigh knocked me over. I bedded my sheep early and took a chance on leavin' them, seein' as it was on her account I wanted to talk to you.

"I don't know yet, but I've got my own opinion." "But you won't lay down," Teeters pleaded, "even if they pull against you?" "Not to notice!" the deputy replied grimly. Momentarily flustered, flattered, and not a little curious, Mrs. Toomey opened the door one afternoon and admitted Mrs.

"Teeters. I got five dollars." Mrs. Toomey found it convenient to go into the pantry until she had regained control of her feelings. It was twenty-eight degrees below zero when the doors of the Opera House were opened to permit the citizens of Prouty to hear the World Renowned Swiss Bell Ringers and Yodlers.

"Where did you git it, Mullendore?" His answer was a breath. "Toomey." "One thing more Where does Kate Prentice's father live? His address quick!" Teeters shook the wasted shoulders in his haste. The muddy blue-gray iris was divided in half by the closing upper lids. Beneath the glaze there seemed a last malicious spark.

"She is a noisy thing and her jaw is never still," the wife of Henry Teeters, the grocer, said to her husband. "If he gets drunk it's only to forget he's married to her. Then he goes home to sleep it off and she begins jawing at him. He stands it as long as he can. It takes a fist to shut up that woman. If he strikes her it's the only thing he can do."