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'Liz! she repeated so blankly that he immediately perceived she was in complete ignorance of the affair. 'What d'ye mean? Come in. Walter stepped across the threshold, and Teen closed the door. The small apartment into which he was ushered was very meagre and bare, but it was clean and tidy, and more comfortable in every way than the one he had just left.

I am living in my own home now in Ayrshire. It is lovely there just now almost as mild as summer. Won't you come down and pay me a little visit? It would do you a great deal of good. Teen laid down her heavy seam and stared at Gladys in genuine amazement, then gave a short, strange laugh. 'Ye're takin' a len' o' me, surely, she said. 'What wad ye dae if I took ye at yer word?

In her weak and weary state of health, she had at first appeared touched and grateful for the unceasing kindness and consideration heaped upon her, but that mood had passed apparently for ever, and now she appeared rather to chafe under obligations which Teen felt also, though in a different way, love having made them sweet.

The colour rose in the face of Gladys, and she averted her head to hide her softened, luminous eyes from the gaze of Teen. 'And did you tell him I was coming home this week? 'I didna. We only spoke aboot Liz, an' some aboot his ain affairs. Miss Peck saw him maist o' the time. He's gaun to sell his business, and gang awa' to America or Australia. 'Oh! exclaimed Gladys sharply.

'Ha! quoth a passing whip-poor-will, 'The oranges are ripe." "The other seven went like this," observed the Righthandiron: "The day was over, and the six- Teen little darkies then Found they were in a dreadful fix, Like several other men." "There isn't anything about Sandwiches in those poems," said Tom, with a look of perplexity on his face. "No. That's where the stupidity of it comes in.

It is an appalling thing that 12,000 children were brought before the courts of New York in 1909, and in the same year more than 15,000 boys and girls suffered arrest in Chicago. Our criminal ranks are added to, at the rate of 300,000 a year, and in the vast majority of cases the criminal course is begun in the teen age. Is it necessary? Is this awful waste this moral havoc unavoidable?

Many a little ten-year-old girl has fine ideals of truth, unselfishness and honor and they steady her through the teen years when temptations press hard. The twelve-year-old girl on the edge of the African jungle arranges her hair in "mop" fashion because that headdress represents her ideal of beauty.

Both Amy and Nell have worked out problems in their own way and come to conclusions that would never have been reached had they been guided by an older and wiser person," said Austin. "Yes, you are right. A child can be cared for by nurses and teachers, but when a girl reaches her teen age she needs a mother, or some one who can take the place of a mother," agreed his friend.

"Its very thought is almost death to me; Yet, having found some good there, I will tell Of other things which there I chanced to see." "Tanto e amara, che poco e piu morte: Ma per trattar del teen ch' i' vi trovai, Diro dell' altre Bose, ch' io v' ho scorte." Inferno, I. 7-10. Again in Canto X. we find:

But I was glad thus to come to terms with them, thinking thereby to obtain from them the confirmation of my apostleship, though there was no need for any such, as I have always held, it having teen bestowed upon me by our Lord Jesus Christ himself; and holding it to be of little account that they had known our Lord Jesus in the flesh, I said to their faces, it were better to have known him in the spirit, thereby darkening them.