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"I think we'd better get home," I said to my companion, when Rod had finished; and we climbed into the coupe, Tedda whinnying, as we bumped over the ledges: "Well, I'm dreffle sorry I can't stay fer the sociable; but I hope an' trust my friends'll take a ticket fer me." "Bet your natchul!" said Muldoon, cheerfully, and the horses scattered before us, trotting into the ravine.

"Naow, I want you all here to take notice, an' you'll learn something," Rod went on. "This yaller-backed skate comes to our pastur'-" "Not havin' paid his board," put in Tedda.

"I rely on my simple rights the inalienable rights o' my unfettered horsehood. An' I am proud to say I have never, since my first shoes, lowered myself to obeyin' the will o' man." "'Must ha' had a heap o' whips broke over yer yaller back," said Tedda. "Hev ye found it paid any?" "Sorrer has been my portion since the day I was foaled.

The Deacon was the first to call to her. He is a very dark iron-grey four-year-old, son of Grandee. He has been handled since he was two, was driven in a light cart before he was three, and now ranksas an absolutely steady lady's horse proof against steam-rollers, grade-crossings, and street processions. "Salt!" said the Deacon, joyfully. "You're dreffle late, Tedda."

"Any any place to cramp the coupe?" Tedda panted. "It weighs turr'ble this weather. I'd 'a' come sooner, but they didn't know what they wanted ner haow. Fell out twice, both of 'em. I don't understand sech foolishness." "You look consider'ble het up. 'Guess you'd better cramp her under them pines, an' cool off a piece."

"An' knowed how to manage 'em," said Tedda. "That makes it worse." "Waal, he didn't kill 'em, anyway," said Marcus. "He'd ha' been half killed ef he had tried." "'Makes no differ," Rod answered. "He meant to; an' ef he hadn't s'pose we want the Back Pasture turned into a biffin'-ground on our only day er rest?

"Naow, I want you all here to take notice, an' you'll learn something," Rod went on. "This yaller-backed skate comes to our pastur'-" "Not havin' paid his board," put in Tedda.