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Strong took them eagerly and just as eagerly Ted gave them up. He heaved a sigh of relief at getting rid of them. "This paper alone," Strong picked up one of the papers from his desk, where he had placed them, "if trouble should come, would prove to the United States Government what the Germans are doing in the States and just how it affects Canada.

Johnny says she knew I would say that when she left it to me. "Very well," said Una calmly. "Ted, you may go for the necessaries. Sue, you must be my bridesmaid and Johnny shall be best man. Come, we'll go into the house and break the news to Auntie." I never felt so interested and excited in my life. It seemed too good to be true.

It was considerably harder for Larry to accept the situation philosophically than it was for the senior doctor's more tolerant and mature mind. Larry loved Ted as he loved no one else in the world not perhaps even excepting Ruth.

He had had his baptism of fire. He was a veteran. "I was just going to send somebody to look you up," said Ted. "Everything all right? Good! Shoot away." Thoughts of Tim came, but Don thrust them aside and shook his head stubbornly. What had happened was no fault of his. He had done his best. Now he was going to enjoy himself. "Great stuff," said Ted when the warm-up was over.

And besides, by going up immediately we stand a better chance of getting away with our plan of palming ourselves off as a German crew in one of their own U-boats." And now Jack's plan was set in motion. "Mr. Wainwright, will you bring Captain Hans Schmidt into the control room," "Little Mack" directed. In a few minutes Ted returned bringing with him the captive naval officer.

Ted was delighted with her tales, and begged for another and yet another, and Tanana told the quaint story of Kagamil. "A mighty toyon dwelt on the island of Kagamil. By name he was Kat-haya-koochat, and he was of great strength and much to be feared.

He could not hold the ball, and his throws to bases were atrocious. "Hi, there!" called Ted. "Go take a walk around the block." Tim was frightened. "Don't you want me to play tomorrow?" "Sure I do. Tomorrow you'll be all right. This is your bad day. Go off by yourself and get the air." Tim went off to the maple tree and sat down.

"If Trouble is going to be a dog let him scare a wild bull, or something like that. Anyhow chickens don't come to camp." "Well, neither does wild bulls!" declared Janet. "Yes, they do!" cried Ted, and it seemed as if there would be so much talk that the children would never get to playing anything.

As soon as I recognized the yacht, I turned quickly and walked away, but a minute later I ran into Leach and Jezzard, who were returning to their craft. Jezzard greeted me with an air of surprise. 'What! Still hanging about here, Ted? he exclaimed. 'That is not discreet of you, dear boy. I should earnestly advise you to clear out. "'What do you mean? I asked. "'Tut, tut! said he.

When with shining eyes Ted told his father about Mr. Fernald's visit to the shack, Mr. Turner simply shrugged his shoulders and smiled indulgently. "Likely Mr. Clarence's curiosity got the better of him," said he, "and he wanted to look your place over and see that it warn't too good; or mebbe he just happened to be going by.