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After a tolerably long session we went to the tea-room, where I drank some coffee, and at about the edge of dusk the carriage drew up to the door to take us home. Mr. B. and his sisters have shown us genuine kindness, and they gave us a hearty invitation to come and ramble over the house whenever we pleased, during their absence in Scotland.

There was no time for further skirmishing. He had taken her cloak from her, and handed it to the attendant nymph, and received a ticket; and now they were drifting into the tea-room, where a row of ministering footmen were looking at the guests across a barricade of urns and teapots, with countenances that seemed to say, "If you want anything, you must ask for it.

"Oh, Father!" she said, almost tearfully. "Would you like it?" "Like it! With a real house and something to keep my hands busy! And maybe a kitty! "Yes, you'd have old Mr. Seth Appleby for tea-room customer. He's better 'n anybody they got on Cape Cod!" "Yes, and you are better, too, Father!" "You old honeymooner! Say, I've got an idea.

She rearranged the furniture, but as there was nothing in the tea-room but chairs, tables, and a fireplace, there wasn't much she could do. She descended on Grimsby Center, and came back enthusiastic about Miss Mitchin's. She had met the young man with the Albanian costume, and he had talked to her about vorticism and this jolly new Polish composer with his suite for tom-tom and cymbals.

"According to the American ideal," he said, "they are but I do admit that they show a rather extraordinary imagination. I've often thought that I should like to make the acquaintance of the woman, of course, it's a woman who conceived the notion of this mortuary tea-room." "Why, of course, is it a woman?" "A man wouldn't set up housekeeping in in Père Lachaise."

They were about to enter the tea-room when she added: "Please don't say that until I have told you why I do what I do." Obeying a sudden impulse, he took her hand and drew it close under his arm. "No," he said; "I won't. I was a brute, Miska. Miska means 'musk', surely?" "Yes." She glanced up at him timidly. "Do you think it a pretty name?" "Very," he said, laughing.

Why the display of family plates, reminding us of those who have dined and are dead? The simplicity of the tea-room and its freedom from vulgarity make it truly a sanctuary from the vexations of the outer world. There and there alone one can consecrate himself to undisturbed adoration of the beautiful.

There was no romance for the moment on the stained street, and in the passing traffic. The gold braid of the hall commissionaire looked tawdry, and the pictures of ballet-girls but vulgar. It is the common experience, but each time one feels it there is a new surprise. Julie had her own remedy: "The liveliest tea-room you can find, Peter," she demanded.

There was no help for it, so Katherine took De Burgh's offered arm and went downstairs. "I wonder what the secret mission could have been?" said Katherine, when they found themselves in the tea-room. "God knows! I wonder Errington did not go in for diplomacy when he smashed up. He is just the man for protocols, and solemn mysteries, and all that."

Such a worker by the time she has saved some capital to invest may be able to start an establishment of her own, but she should do so only after a careful calculation of the expenditure required. The modern tea-room has changed to some extent the occupation of the waitress. The modern lunch room in the same way makes a feature of the class of girls who attend on customers.