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As we sped across the city in a taxicab, Craig remarked: "I wonder what is the trouble? Did you see in the society news this morning the announcement of Jack's engagement to Vivian Taylor, the daughter of the president of the Five-Borough?" I had seen it, but could not connect it with the trouble, whatever it was, at the tunnel, though I did try to connect the tunnel mystery with my expose.

But just as they were leaving, he called them back. "You'd go back by the underground, I suppose," he said. "I'm not sure that you can get through for the line is likely to be taken over, temporarily, at any moment. Take a taxicab I'll send an orderly with you to put you aboard.

He held the door open and she entered the cab, unsuspecting. "Mr. Del Mar's," she directed, simply. As the new taxicab driver cranked his engine and climbed into the seat, he was careful to let no action of his, however small, betray the intense satisfaction he felt at the working of his scheme. He pulled away from the station.

De Peyster's impulse to take a taxicab was instantly countermanded by the fear that so near her home there was danger of recognition: and onward, onward they went, swiftly, wordlessly, their one commanding impulse to get away to get away. At Fourteenth Street they passed a policeman. Again they choked back their breath; shiveringly they felt his eyes upon them.

A second taxicab undoubtedly that which had brought the young woman now presumably closeted with Mr. Blensop was moving up into the place vacated by the first. In two strides Lanyard was at its side. "Follow that taxi!" he cried "number seventy-six, three-eighty-five. Don't lose sight of it, but don't pass it don't let them know we're following!" "Engaged," the driver growled.

"What do you think?" retorted the Count with asperity "that I'm willing to stand by and let you moon round Paris at this hour of the morning, hunting for a taxicab that isn't to be found and running God-knows-what risk of being stuck up by some misbegotten Apache? But I should say not!

The detective was momentarily at a loss. He conscripted his entire store of tact "I don't want to cause you any embarrassment, Miss Gresham " "This is no time for equivocation, Mr. Carroll. You may ask me whatever you wish." "Thank you," he answered gratefully. "You have, of course, heard that there is a woman connected with Mr. Warren's death the woman in the taxicab."

To him I gave my name and calling, and furnished him also with a personal description of the strangely missing taxicab driver, charging him, the police officer, to bid the driver to seek me out in my quarters aboard ship when he, the driver, should reappear with my change.

"I do not understand what has happened, but they have sent for me to go well, where it was agreed that I should not go except as a matter of urgent necessity." Violet knew better than to show any signs of disquietude. "It is in London?" she asked. "Certainly," her husband replied. "I shall take a taxicab from here. I am sorry, dear, to have one of our evenings disturbed in this manner.

And by the time I've walked from Yonkers or thereabouts, clean through the station and out of a two-block hallway, with more stores on either side than there are in all Homeburg, and have committed my soul to the nearest taxicab pirate, I feel like a cheese mite in the great hall of Karnak. No, sir; when I get into a big city depot, I'm a country Jake, and I need a compass and kind words.