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"I will do nothing of the sort. Gaston, can give me the woman's body only. I shall accordingly buy me a lute." Achille Cazaio on the Taunenfels did not sleep that night....

"But for you," the girl said, "I would now be the prisoner of that devil upon the Taunenfels! Three to one you fought, and you conquered! I have misjudged you, Monsieur Bulmer. I had thought you only an indolent old gentleman, not very brave, because " "Because otherwise I would not have been the devil's lackey?" said John Bulmer.

We will harry the Taunenfels, we will hang the vile bandit more high than Haman of old, we will, in a word, enjoy the supreme pleasure of the chase, enhanced by the knowledge we pursue a note-worthy quarry. Homicide is, after all, the most satisfying recreation life affords us, since man alone knows how thoroughly man deserves to be slaughtered.

So the commoners flocked to Cazaio in the Taunenfels until, little by little, he had gathered an army about him. And at Bellegarde, de Soyecourt had only a handful of men, Cazaio meditated to-night. And the woman was there, the woman whose eyes were blue and incurious, whose face was always scornful.

"I fail to see," a dignified young lady stated, "what Cazaio, at least, has to do with your galimatias." "Simply that I received this morning a letter demanding you be surrendered to Cazaio," de Soyecourt answered as he sounded the gong. "Otherwise, our amiable friend of the Taunenfels announces he will attack Bellegarde.

All that month, too, some memory appeared to trouble Dom Manuel, in the back of his mind, while the lords of the Silver Stallion were busied in the pursuit of Othmar and Othmar's brigands in the Taunenfels: and as soon as Dom Manuel had captured and hanged the last squad of these knaves, Dom Manuel rode home and looked out of the window, to find matters unchanged. Dom Manuel meditated.

Queen Freydis was now a human woman in all things, so this reply delighted her hearing if not her reason. "Do these two possessions content you, king of my heart?" she asked him very fondly. "No," Manuel said, gazing out across Morven at the cloud-dappled ridges of the Taunenfels, "nor do I look ever to be contented in this world of men."

Achille Cazaio is the bugbear of all Poictesme, he is as powerful in these parts as ever old Manuel was." "But I have never heard of this old Manuel either " "In fact, your ignorance seems limitless. For any child could tell you that Cazaio roosts in the Taunenfels yonder, with some hundreds of brigands in his company.

He had never troubled Poictesme much: the Taunenfels were accessible on that side, and so long as he confined his depredations to the frontier, the Duc de Puysange merely shrugged and rendered his annual tribute; it was not a great sum, and the Duke preferred to pay it rather than forsake his international squabbles to quash a purely parochial nuisance like a bandit, who was, too, a kinsman....

Our scouts tell us that already Cazaio is marshalling his men upon the Taunenfels." "And yet," John Bulmer said, as he arose, and put away his book, "Bellegarde is a strong place. And our good Marquis, whatever else he may be, is neither a fool nor a coward." Claire shrugged. "Cazaio has ten men to our one. Yet perhaps we can hold out till Gaston comes with his dragoons.