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Watch for him presently. King Sancho frowned his forehead into furrows, and allowed himself a hair or two of his beard. 'We will think of it, Bertran, he said presently. 'Yes, we will think of it, after our own fashion. God rest you, Bertran, pray go refresh yourself. So he dismissed him. When he was alone he went on frowning, and between whiles tapped his teeth with his beard-comb.

I never saw any girl who affected me so much, and she is the reason why I am here now." "Ye don't tell!" Samson tapped the ashes out of his pipe, and then stretched himself full length upon the ground. "Make a clean breast of it, young man," he encouraged. "I'm an old hardened chap meself, but I do like to hear a real interestin' heart-story once in a while.

"It's a lie, and you haven't a word of proof to show." Clancy significantly tapped the pocket that held the letter. "That," said Radnor contemptuously, "refers to two bonds which I bought last winter with some money I got from selling a mortgage. I preferred to have the investment in bonds because they are more readily negotiable.

After much impressive fumbling of keys and opening of locks, the stained and aged document was spread before us. The guide's eyes sparkled. He danced about us and tapped the parchment with his finger: "What I tell you, genteelmen! Is it not so? See! handwriting Christopher Colombo! write it himself!" We looked indifferent unconcerned.

Here the Judge with a sudden turn of his head nodded at Thaddeus and bestowed on him a stern glance; it was evident that he had now reached the climax of his speech. Thereupon the Chamberlain tapped his golden snuffbox and said:— “My dear Judge, in former times it was still worse.

Mackenzie faced each other across a small table, from which the cloth had been dragged and lay on the floor with a scattered pack of cards. The elder lad held a couple of cards in his hand; he was white in the face. "He cheated!" He swung round upon me in a kind of indignant fury, and tapped the cards with his forefinger. I looked from him to the accused. "It's a lie."

A hand tapped at the lattice. The shrill voice of Reine, the sabot-maker's wife, broken with anguish, called through the hanging ivy, "Bébée, you are a wicked one, they say, but the only one there is at home in the village this day.

Before I could answer him I was tapped on the shoulder, and turning round I saw Flora; she had left the sledge, and her eyes looked into mine calmly and fearlessly. "Do not be alarmed," I said. "It seems there was but one Indian." "I was afraid we were going to be attacked," she answered; "but I am not a bit frightened now. See, my hand is steady. Let me bandage this poor man's wound, Denzil."

He might have sat to a painter for some Covenanter's portrait, except that there was nothing dour about him, or for an illustration to Burns's 'Cotter's Saturday Night. The air of probity and canniness combined with a twinkle of dry humour was completely Scotch; and when he tapped his snuff-box, telling stories of old days, I could not refrain from asking him about his pedigree.

Mademoiselle Klosking, placed between two alternatives, decided with her usual resolution. She walked immediately to the door and tapped at it; then, scarcely waiting for an instant, opened it and walked in with seeming firmness, though her heart was beating rather high. The people outside looked at one another.