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This was extremely absurd in me: for, without attempting, I could never succeed. But at last, insensibly, by frequenting a great deal of good company, and imitating those whom I saw that everybody liked, I formed myself, 'tant bien que mal'. For God's sake, let this last fine varnish, so necessary to give lustre to the whole piece, be the sole and single object now of your utmost attention.

Ils ne les voient qu'a travers les prejuges, et je ne fache aucun etat ou l'on en ait tant." Providence, Jan. 29. We are now quite domesticated here, though in a very miserable way, without fire, and with our mattresses, on the boards; but we nevertheless adopt the spirit of the country, and a total absence of comfort does not prevent us from amusing ourselves.

"Come a little this way; there, you can just see the roof of his house, close by the church." "I see; it is tant soit peu triste to have the church so near you." "Do you think so? Ah, but you have not seen it; it is the prettiest church in the county; and the little burial-ground so quiet, so shut in; I feel better every time I pass it. Some places breathe of religion."

"Ah, yes; I see it now," he cried, turning his delighted gaze on the Boer-woman; "eyes, mouth, nose, chin, the very expression!" he cried. "How is it possible I did not notice it before?" "Take another cup of coffee," said Tant Sannie. "Put some sugar in."

At that instant her niece entered the room below, closely followed by Bonaparte, with his head on one side, smiling mawkishly. Had Tant Sannie spoken at that moment the life of Bonaparte Blenkins would have run a wholly different course; as it was, she remained silent, and neither noticed the open trap-door above their heads.

"Je crains toutefois que ce qui s'y trouve de vrai ne soit connu depuis longtemps, et que la nouvelle ecole ne peche par exclusionisme tout autant que les ainees qu'elle combat avec tant de conviction." 'That is exactly what I have always said. What is there new in comparing the customs and myths of the Greeks with those of the barbarians? Has not even Plato done this?

No use pitying her; that would only make her more sorry for herself. No use suggesting cures; cures take time, not to speak of money. The Easter holidays would soon be here; perhaps she might try something then. In the meantime tant pis! she must get along as best she could. There was simply no time to be ill. "I've a churchyard cough myself," declared the Arts mistress.

Brixham, "I know it to my cost. I borrowed from him a little money five years ago; and though I have paid him many times over, I am entirely in his power. I am ruined by him, sir. Every thing I had is his. He's a dreadful man." "Eh, Mrs. Brixham? tant pis dev'lish sorry for you, and that I must quit your house after lodging here so long: there's no help for it. I must go."

In Renan's exquisitely phrased preface to his Drames Philosophiques occurs the following sentence which I render into English tant bien que mal: "Side by side are the history of fact and the history of the ideal, the latter materially speaking of what has never taken place, but which, in the ideal sense, has happened a thousand times."

Tant de saints mouvements, d'inspirations & de vues interieures, qu'il lui plait de donner a quelques ames dont il se sert pour l'avancement de cette oeuvre, sont des marques de son bon plaisir. Is this true history, or a romance of Christian chivalry? It is both. The waters of the St.