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"I wouldn't say so while that boy was here, it would make him too conceited; but marriage is the finest thing in the world. I've been at it three times, and if it pleased God to take this husband from me I should have another. There's nothing like it, my child; nothing." "Perhaps it might not suit all people, at all times, as well as it suits you, Tant Sannie," said Em.

My dear fellow, what business is it of ours if the universal laws of nature are illustrated upon this unpleasant object? We all live on each other. The wolves and the crows have the last word. Tant mieux for the wolves and the crows! Come, let us carry him to that tree." The moon was just rising over the line of the horizon. All around them the steppe lay in grim and lifeless silence.

Benissons le Seigneur de tant de graces. Veuillez agreer toutes mes tendres et profondes sympathies in Xto Jesu. Londres: 16 Juin 1851. The chapel at Selkirk, dedicated to Our Lady and St. Joseph, was a purchase of Mr. Hope-Scott's.

"He can give you more than you have lost." "I do, I do!" he cried; "but oh, I have no wife! I have no wife!" Tant Sannie was much affected, and came and stood near the bed. "Ask him if he won't have a little pap nice, fine, flour pap. There is some boiling on the kitchen fire." The German made the proposal, but the widower waved his hand. "No, nothing shall pass my lips. I should be suffocated.

D'ailleurs moquezvous de mes amours tant qu'il vous plaira, je vous dirai que je respecte tant les jeunes dames, que je respecte meme les vieilles, pour l'avoir ete. Apre cela il y a souvent des liaisons entre les vieilles et les jeunes'. This would at once turn the pleasantry into an esteem for your good sense and your good-breeding.

They concern themselves less about it perhaps than the others, whether from the little share they have had in it, or because they have but very indirect connexions with the government, or lastly, and this final reason is, I believe, the most conclusive, because a Frenchman, from the nature of his character, ends by forgetting his misfortunes and losses, cares little for the future, and appears desirous to enjoy the present only; following, in that respect, the precept of La Fontaine: "Jouis des aujourd'hui, tu n'as pas tant a vivre; Je te rebats ce mot car il vaut tout un livre."

Je veux tant seulement

But now you know the whole business, tell us what is to be done with the money?" "Why, the money, unquestionably, should be divided between you." "Tant mieux, say I; I really thought it had been all Matilda's." There was a paws for a minit or two after the will had been read.

There were, of course, flowers to be bought and arranged tant bien que mal in empty ink-stands, a conceit of Joan's, who refused to spend the fund money in any ornament less serious, while she quite recognized the necessity for flowers on the table of a mixed committee. The Hon. Rupert was the first to arrive. He was very small and neat and rather effeminate.

"Et l'on nous persuadera difficilement que lorsque les hommes ont tant de peine