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"As far as I could make out, signore," he said, "the man was an Englishman, wearing a soft black felt hat and a suit of dark blue serge. He had hair just turning gray, a small dark mustache and rather high cheek-bones. In his hand he carried a small bag of tan leather of that square English shape. He seemed in no hurry, for he was calmly smoking a cigarette as he went across to the ticket office."

Yellett blushed a deep copper color through her many coats of tan—"convinced me that I was the heroine thereof. And, nacherally, I turned over to paw the feachers and characteristics of the hero in said book I happened to be enjoyin’ at the time. Paw never knew it, but sometimes he was a dook, and it was plumb hard work.

We are not out of the vale of tribulation. Help me in and tan the horse's hide well! We must, without farther delay, reach the farmhouse whose red-tiled roof gleams under the lindens. Help me in, and lay on the whip!" This drive, at redoubled speed, despite its being in broad daylight, had to the student the fascination of the gallop of the returned dead lover and Lenore in the ballad.

XI, pp. 41-42: 'Digo que yo nombré por mi patron al maestro Mancio catredático de prima de teulugía en Salamanca, el cual habiendo comenzado á ver mi negocio se ha ausentado á leer su cátreda, y porque pudiendo fácilmente dar su parecer se ha hecho vehementísimamente sospechoso que es partícipe y compañero en la maldad que contra ha intentado fray Bartolomé de Medina, fraile de su órden y casa, porque conforme á derecho no carece de sociedad oculta el que deja de obrar á tan manifiesta malicia; y siendo obligado á defenderme por el juramento que se le tomó y por haber empezado el negocio, en desampararme cometió grandísimo pecado, porque conforme á derecho tambien es falso testigo el que deja de decir verdad cuando es obligado á la decir, como el que dice falso testimonio.

Had to argue with her to make her go. That's why I'm late. Just got back from delivering the committee." The color came back under Jim's tan. "Get up to the wall there, Jack, with the machine and put the two hombres into the tonneau with two Indians and Suma-theek in front. The mounted Indians will act as your guard for a few miles out. Hit the high places to Cabillo.

But we knew afterward that it was something he had been drinking. It was the exclusively Mormon refresher, "valley tan." If I remember rightly no public drinking saloons were allowed in the kingdom by Brigham Young, and no private drinking permitted among the faithful, except they confined themselves to "valley tan."

It soon began to look like leather, except in one or two spots. On examining these he said: "H-m, Tanning didn't strike right through every place. So he buttered it again with the mash and gave it a day more; then worked it as before over the angle of the pole till it was soft and fibrous. "There," said he, "that's Injun tan leather.

The first face he recognised was that of his friend and chum Carlos, but oh, how shockingly changed! The poor fellow was thin as a skeleton, ghastly pale under the almost vanished tan of the sun, dirty, dishevelled, and in rags.

Jacky sighed as the door closed behind him, and there was no smile in her eyes as she turned again to her lover. Bill's face had become serious. "Well?" in a tone of almost painful anxiety. The girl had started forward and was leaning with her two brown hands upon the back of a chair. Her face was pale beneath her tan, and her eyes were bright with excitement.

Rachael, who was waiting for him when he descended to dinner, even remarked upon the lightness of his step. "The country suits you, Bertrand," she said. "It suits you better than it does me. You walk like a boy, and there is color in your cheeks." "The sun," he muttered. "I always tan quickly." "Where have you been to?" she asked. "I have been walking with Miss Champneyes," he answered.