United States or Svalbard and Jan Mayen ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

He stood still by the door of the little house which was still open, and listened to the conversation between Doris and her husband. "A fine tall man," said Euphorion, "he is a little like the Emperor." "Not a bit," replied Doris.

They cross each other at right angles, and the islands between their intersections were artificially raised, and had tall buildings erected on them, some of which are still entire. One quadrangular tower, about forty feet high, is very remarkable.

I was indeed even as one mad and Jinn-struck and presently I rose and walked about the island, right and left and every whither, unable for trouble to sit or tarry in any one place. Then I climbed a tall tree and looked in all directions, but saw nothing save sky and sea and trees and birds and isles and sands.

The modern brass-work of Jaipur is somewhat attractive, and we bought various articles a tall lamp-stand, an elephant bell, and a few ordinary bowls of excellent shape. I have remarked before on the extreme tameness of, and the confidence shown by, wild creatures out here. A titmouse came and perched on the arm of my chair while sitting reading on the verandah at Gulmarg.

He was praying for a reprieve of life sufficient to call this Judas friend to an accounting and if that failed, for strength enough to die with his denunciation spoken. Yet he realized the need of conserving his tenuous powers and so, gauging his abilities, he lay motionless and to all seeming unconscious, while the tall figure continued to tower over him.

At last, I cannot explain why, I began to look about me. At first things appeared a little hazy. I remember one thing which thrilled me a little, even then. A tall, blond-bearded major walked up to a doctor near me, saying, "When you've a little leisure, just take a look at my side." "Do it now," said the doctor. The officer exposed his wound. "Ball went in here, and out there."

At the same moment a number of half-naked savages, armed with bows and spears, tall feathers ornamenting their heads, and the skins of wild beasts floating from their shoulders, dashed out of the forest. My uncle took the helm, and the seamen gave way with might and main. The current was strong, and the savages had some distance to traverse before they could reach the margin of the stream.

It was a ridiculous day for winter, even to a Southern Californian, and the tiny villages through which they passed looked like gay and shabby stage settings. The Profesor roused at last. "We arrive, Señorita," he announced, with a wave of his hand. They turned in at a tall gateway of lacy ironwork and Honor's heart leaped "El Pozo." Richard King.

But that is all. Do you know this Clarissa Lambert? Have you seen her?" "Yes I have seen her." "I suppose she is very famous; at least, Tom says so. He also says she is divine; but I expect, from his description, that she is of the usual stamp of Tragedy Queen, tall and loud, with a big voice." "Did he tell you that?" "No, of course Tom raves about her.

Perfunctory regrets were offered by the others, already engrossed in their new hands; Vaux glanced unhappily at the tall, steaming glass, which had been untouched when he left, but which was now merely half full.