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No longer hungry, they were happy in the corner, with some rude playthings, talking and cooing together like a flock of young birds. Ernst was washing the tea-things, while his mother cared for the baby, recalling to Dennis, with a rush of tender memories, his mother and his boyhood tasks. Mr. Bruder still sat in the dusky corner. The day had been a hard one for him.

His Majesty, at this time, was inclined towards peace with America and was very much impressed by the arguments which the Chancellor and Dr. Helfferich presented. But, at this meeting, while Helfferich was talking and pointing to the moral effect which the ruthless torpedoing of ships was having upon neutral countries, von Falkenhayn interrupted with the succinct statement: "Neutrals?

Presently the talking stopped and the plapping of the bare feet approached the door of the room shutting the two men in. The Squire set it slightly ajar, in spite of Dylks's involuntary, "Oh, don't!" and faced some one close to the opening. "That you, Sally? You haven't come to borrow anything at this hour of the night?"

A burst of applause followed these words; and the conversation became general, giving Frank the opportunity for thinking over the colonel's words, and of what a triumph it would be for his father to return and take up his old position. "Poor old Drew!" he said to himself, with a sigh. "What would he think if he heard them talking about its being a mad project?"

Play was not nearly so pleasant to him as to sit by her, reading or talking, or to act as her little messenger; and it was plain that he missed fondness from his father almost as much as she did for him.

Doubtless I was unreasonable, but I secretly resented this. However I did not show my resentment and endeavored to treat Mr. Parmalee as a friend and co-worker. The coroner had left us together, and we stood in the drawing-room, talking, or rather he talked and I listened. Upon acquaintance he seemed to grow more attractive.

"Well, you know, Munro, I feel that I am responsible to you to some extent, since I persuaded you not to take that ship the other day." "It was a pity, but it can't be helped." "We must do what we can to make up. Now, I tell you what I am prepared to do. I was talking about it with Hetty this morning, and she thought as I did.

At the same time Tim continued talking to me, and pointing out various objects which I thought I remembered. At length he exclaimed, "Sure, Masther Barry, there's the masther's house; and mighty glad they'll all be to see you safe;" and he pointed to a good-sized house with a broad verandah in front, shaded by trees, and standing in the midst of a large, well-irrigated garden.

It was Miss Jennings who spoke. She was talking to a customer, a fine-looking old lady. "I expect there isn't, dear," said the lady, pleasantly. "And you do look fagged out I declare if you don't. I hope you get good pay for standing all day behind this counter!" Miss Jennings laughed in her harsh, dry way. "I won't shock you by telling you what I get," she said wearily.

I asked anxiously. "Canallia! Let him hang there," was his answer. And he went on talking over the business in hand calmly, while I tried vainly to dismiss from my mind the picture of Cesar steeped to the chin in the water of the old harbour, a decoction of centuries of marine refuse. I tried to dismiss it, because the mere notion of that liquid made me feel very sick.