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But the Talentless One had never heard of Miss Cary's beautiful poem, and went on calmly: "And a pump. Girls, if I find the 'Eldorado, there'll be a pump painted blue!" Here Billy woke up. There was no time to discountenance the pump. "Why, I believe I've been asleep!" Billy laughed restedly. "And I've been somewhere else, too. Guess!" "To Eldorado," someone ventured. "Well, I have.

All of them, however, with the most widely separated aims in view, dig and burrow in Greek soil with a restlessness and a blundering awkwardness that must surely be painful to a true friend of antiquity: and thus it comes to pass that I should like to take by the hand every talented or talentless man who feels a certain professional inclination urging him on to the study of antiquity, and harangue him as follows: 'Young sir, do you know what perils threaten you, with your little stock of school learning, before you become a man in the full sense of the word?

They let the girls do that, if the substitute suits 'em. There's a girl that used to be at the handkerchief counter that will be glad enough to earn a little money, I know. She'll be tickled! And she can keep the place open for me when I get back from the country in the fall " Suddenly the Talentless One laughed out joyously. "Hear me!

"I see myself going straight to it!" "We've got to go to it, on account of " Loraine nodded toward the sleeping little figure in the softest chair. "Girls, Billy is all worn out." "So are you," Laura Ann said tenderly. "And you," retorted Loraine. The Talentless One, unintentionally left out, sighed an infinitesimal sigh, preparatory to smiling stoutly.

"And the person that draws the longest slip must be the one to find our Eldorado." They shut their eyes and fumbled in the cracker-box. The room was oddly quiet. Laura Ann, who always drew the fatal slip, breathed a little hard. But the lot fell to the Talentless One. "Why, I didn't get it!" exclaimed Laura Ann, in surprise. "And maybe I'm not thankful! Poor T.O.!"

It was one of those numerous home-raised products in which well-read but talentless authors, in choice, but dead language, studiously and cautiously enunciated some 'profound' or 'vital and palpitating' idea, portrayed a so-called tragic conflict, and produced dulness ... an Asiatic dulness, like Asiatic cholera.

The Romantic Muse did not at once abdicate, but with the spread of Gogol's popularity her reign was practically at an end. In vain some of the conservative critics decried the new favourite as talentless, prosaic, and vulgar.

If you thought you could trust me " "We do! We do!" Loraine said, warmly, speaking for them all. "And we pity you, too, poor dear! It looks like an awful undertaking to me." "How long can you take? Are you sure they'll let you get off down at Torrey's?" asked Billy, languidly. "Oh," the Talentless One said, calmly, "I shall get a substitute, of course.

"A pretty thing he has thought to surprise us with!" roared angry voices. "Away from the tribune with the talentless rhymster! Away with the fool! Hurl rotten apples, bad eggs, at the empty-pated idiot! Give us stones! Fetch stones!"

But if we must choose a companion among the Flavian poets, let it be Statius with all his faults, rather than this correct, only because completely talentless, compiler. To him let us now turn. With filial pride he attributes his eminence to the example and instruction of his father, P. PAPENIUS STATIUS, who was, if we may believe his son, a distinguished and extremely successful poet.