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More than once during the day our road was crossed by parties similar to our own, sent forward to reconnoitre; and towards evening a party of the 23d Light Dragoons, returning towards Talavera, informed us that the French had retired from Torrijos, which was now occupied by an English detachment under my old friend O'Shaughnessy.

Marshal Macdonald Union of the Papal States with the Empire The battle of Talavera Sir Arthur Wellesley English expedition to Holland Attempt to assassinate the Emperor at Schoenbrunn Staps Interrogated by Napoleon Pardon offered and rejected Fanaticism and patriotism Corvisart's examination of Staps Second interrogatory Tirade against the illuminati Accusation of the Courts of Berlin and Weimar Firmness and resignation of Staps Particulars respecting his death Influence of the attempt of Staps on the conclusion of peace M. de Champagny.

And immediately from a dismantled stall in the street, where perhaps she had been presiding at some part of the evening, advanced eagerly a middle-aged woman. The sight of my newspaper it was that had drawn her attention upon myself. The victory which we were carrying down to the provinces on this occasion was the imperfect one of Talavera. I told her the main outline of the battle.

The insurrectional government retired into the Ile de Leon, boldly convoking the Cortes at Madrid for the 1st of March, 1810. Marshal Soult had become major-general of the army of Spain, since Marshal Jourdan had been recalled after the battle of Talavera; he was meditating a great campaign against Andalusia.

'A cold night, said I at last. 'Is this the way to Talavera? 'It is the way to Talavera, and the night is cold. 'I am going to Talavera, said I, 'as I suppose you are yourself. 'I am going thither, so are you, bueno. The tones of the voice which delivered these words were in their way quite as strange and singular as the figure to which the voice belonged.

Believing that Soult had only 13,000 men with him whereas in fact, he had 50,000 Sir Arthur left the Spanish army at Talavera in charge of the hospitals, with 6000 sick and wounded, and retraced his steps, with the intention of giving battle to this new enemy.

Indeed, in several instances it emulated the achievement of Crauford's "Light Brigade," whose wonderful march to join Wellington at Talavera remains the stoutest feat of modern soldiership. Arrived at the Rappahannock, I found the railway bridge floored for the passage of troops and trains.

There he met the Gypsies, and put off his journey to Madrid to see more of them and translate the fifteenth chapter of St. Luke into their tongue. At Merida he stopped again for a Gypsy wedding. His guide was the Gypsy, Antonio Lopez, who sold him the donkey which he rode as far as Talavera. At Madrid his business was to print the New Testament in a Spanish Catholic translation.

Meanwhile the army was about to fall back upon Oropesa, there to await Soult's advance, and if necessary, to give him battle; Cuesta engaging with his Spaniards to secure Talavera, with its stores and hospitals, against any present movement from Victor. After a hearty breakfast, and a kind "Good-by!" from my brother officers, I set out.

But Wellington's victory at Talavera having kept the peninsular ports open to English trade, his older brother, Lord Wellesley, who was now secretary for foreign affairs in the new cabinet, and who ardently believed that thus alone could England win, managed continuously to reinforce the army in Portugal until at last it was strong in numbers and efficient as a fighting machine.