United States or Luxembourg ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

It was soon thought highly probable that the King was but temporizing, and that the voluntary departure of the minister had been a deception. Of course nothing was accurately known upon the subject. Philip had taken good care of that, but meantime the bets were very high that there would be no restoration, with but few takers.

Yes, there is; but, on an examination of statistics, I find that in all positions professions, clerkships, manufactures, trades, industries where you find men working, you will find women also, though in smaller numbers usually. Examine the reports of census takers, and you will find my statement true. In Mr.

I had often heard three to one betted, with no "takers," that they would tell you everything about any particular person, his, or her, antecedents, prospects, and position, who had but remained for ten consecutive minutes within a radius of one mile of their house. To the Dashers I would consequently go, by all means thank Providence for the suggestion, and their existence!

Exclusive ownership is the most ancient type of such remuneration. First movers, entrepreneurs, risk takers, owners of the wealth they generated, exploiters of resources are allowed to exclude others from owning or exploiting the same things. Mineral concessions, patents, copyright, trademarks are all forms of monopoly ownership.

Givers and takers being at length accommodated, perfect silence at length reigned, and all eyes turned upon the double fists of the respective champions. Jack having adjusted his great tortoiseshell-rimmed spectacles, and put on a most consequential air, inquired, like a gambling-house keeper, if they were 'All done' had all 'made their game? And 'Yes! yes! yes! resounded from all quarters.

But it don't take no seventh daughter of no seventh daughter to trace trouble where Black-lock's about. The Boss, who's watching his movements sharp, says to me one day: "'Bunt, the storm-centre of this here low area is a man with a cock-eye, an' I'll back that play with a paint horse against a paper dime. "'No takers, says I. 'Dirty work and a cock-eyed man are two heels of the same mule.

The planters must see already that, in seeking to put away what they call the yoke of the North, they are preparing for themselves other masters. Business is suspended, money for cultivation is lacking, credit is everywhere refused, the ensuing harvest is mortgaged, the loans which it is sought to issue find no takers outside the extreme South.

The sordid surroundings of Newgate, its thieves, male and female, its thieve takers, gave zest to her naturalness and simplicity. It was some time after the performance that Lavinia whom everyone now called Polly left the theatre. The noblemen who had seats on the stage crowded round her overwhelming her with compliments and looks of admiration.

None of the men concerned would discuss the matter. From the remarks dropped by Wagstaff, however, it appears that the policy of marketing Free Gold stock was inaugurated without his knowledge or consent. Be that as it may, all sorts of rumors are in circulation, and Free Gold stock, which has been sold during the past week as high as a dollar forty, found few takers at par when Change closed.

I'll bet twenty-five pounds on it, and let the gentleman of the house be stakeholder, and the German gentleman referee. Eh? Well, I'm glad to see that there are no takers. "Now we'll go to another little point that the gentleman forgot. He recommended you to LEARN to make yourselves better and wiser from day to day. But he didn't tell you why it is that you won't learn, in spite of his advice.