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As a result of Tabu-Tabu's efforts, he tells me the king has concluded that when he eats a white man he's flyin' in the face of his own interests, and most generally a gunboat comes along in a few months and shells the bush, and well, anyhow, there ain't been a barbecue on Kandavu for ten years. It's a capital crime to eat a man now, and punishable by boilin' the offender alive in palm oil."

These two bucks is mine to do what I please with and I'll take any interference as unneighbourly and unworthy of a shipmate." "Take 'em," said Captain Scraggs vehemently. "For my part I only ask one thing. If you can see your way clear, Mac, to give me the king's scalp for a tobacco pouch, I'll be obliged." "And I," added the commodore, "would like Tabu-Tabu's shin bone for a clarionet.

The royal messenger had been incontinently kicked overboard by B. McGuffey, Esquire. Tabu-Tabu's wild eyes glittered and grew wilder and wilder as the messenger reported the indignity thus heaped upon him. The king scowled at Captain Scraggs, and Mr. Gibney was suddenly aware that goose-flesh was breaking out on the backs of his sturdy legs.

A moment later, instead of cocoanuts, rich, unctuous curses began to descend on McGuffey and Scraggs. "Gib, my dear boy," inquired Scraggs, "whatever is the matter of you?" "That hound Tabu-Tabu's been strippin' our cocoanut grove," roared the commodore. "He must have spent half the night up in these trees." "Thank the Lord they didn't take 'em all," said McGuffey piously.

"It's a rotten shame, Scraggsy," he said, "to think of that fool McGuffey not bein' here to enjoy himself. I'm goin' to send a note out to him by one of Tabu-Tabu's boys, askin' him once more to come ashore, or to let the first mate and one or two of the seamen come if Mac still refuses to be civil." "Good idea, Gib," said Captain Scraggs, his mouth full of roast chicken and yams. So Mr.

I've chawed tobacco all my life, and my meat's as bitter as wormwood." It was too funny to hear Scraggs jesting with death. Mr. Gibney forgot his own mental agony and roared with laughter in Tabu-Tabu's face. The cannibal stood off a few feet and looked searchingly in the commodore's eyes.