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I opened my bag and took out my hypodermic case from which I extracted a little tube of atropine tabloids. Shaking out into my hand a couple of the tiny discs, I drew down the patient's under-lip and slipped the little tablets under his tongue.

"See what we have here, Petrie!" he directed, handing the phial to me. "It bears no label." I crushed one of the tabloids in my palm and applied my tongue to the powder. "Some preparation of chloral hydrate," I pronounced. "A sleeping draught?" suggested Smith eagerly. "We might try," I said, and scribbled a formula upon a leaf of my notebook.

Suddenly an irresistible impulse seized me to rush upon her, to dash syringe, tabloids, glass, and all, from her hands. I must have obeyed it I was on the tip-top point of obeying my body already leant prone: but at that instant a voice at the opened door behind me said: 'Well, how is everything? It was Wilson, the electrician, who stood there.

And Sandy watched him with some concern. "You you ain't takin' a bath?" he inquired nervously. "Don't talk foolish," cried Bill, and turned again to his scrutiny of the shelf. "What else you got? Any stummick physic?" "Sure." Minky held up a small bottle of tabloids. "Camel-hell," he said, with the assurance of a man who knows the worth of the article he is offering for sale.

Methuen's re-issue of an old and excellent translation of Rochefoucauld's Maxims, edited by Mr. George Powell. The book is a little large for tabloids. It runs to nearly two hundred pages, and it might have been more conveniently divided by ten or even by a hundred. But still, as Rochefoucauld is the very medicine-man of maxims, we will leave it at that.

Two others had single shots of a rather more dangerous nature. I am no surgeon, and it was manifestly impossible for me to jab into their wounds with my hunting-knife in the hope of extracting the bullets. I found, however, some corrosive sublimate tabloids in my leather medicine case. These I dissolved, and bathed the wounds with the mixture to stop suppuration.

For he had grown to be a man, and was about to be immersed in things as indeed the chambermaid, emptying his basin upstairs, fingering keys, studs, pencils, and bottles of tabloids strewn on the dressing-table, was aware. That he had grown to be a man was a fact that Florinda knew, as she knew everything, by instinct.

We left her all the zinc ointment we had remaining to use first; a milk-tinful of ointment, composed by me from pure lanoline, vaseline, and zinc powder, to go on with, and some grease-proof paper to spread it on, a lot of tabloids of permanganate of potash and directions to pour it from a water vessel, very clean.

Selwyn, she was always too much engrossed in analyzing the symptoms of some fresh ailment she believed she had acquired to be sensible of the emotional atmosphere of those around her. Her own sensations whether she were too hot, or not quite hot enough, whether her new tabloids were suiting her or whether she had not slept as well as usual occupied her entire horizon.

From the opposite heights the poor little garden-girt town was shelled like a steel fortress; then, when the Germans entered, a fire was built in every house, and at the nicely-timed right moment one of the explosive tabloids which the fearless Teuton carries about for his land-Lusitanias was tossed on each hearth.