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So wasted and pallid was her body that at times Virginia feared to touch her lest she should melt like a phantom out of her arms. Yet to the last she never faltered, never cried out for mercy, never sought to hasten by a breath that end which was to her as the longing of her eyes, as the brightness of the sunlight, as the sweetness of the springtime.

Most striking among the characteristics of General Lee which made him so successful was his exalted and unmatched excellence as a man, his unselfishness, sweetness, gentleness, patience, love of justice, and general elevation of soul. Lee much loved to quote Sir William Hamilton's words: "On earth nothing great but man: in man nothing great but mind."

For I hope in the help of JESUS, who is the well of love and peace and sweetness. Thy first asking is: What is love? And I answer: Love is a burning yearning after GOD, with a wonderful delight and certainty. GOD is light and burning. Light clarifies our reason; burning kindles our will, that we desire naught but Him. Love is a life, joining together the loving and the loved.

It is not the will of God." Still Harry was not satisfied. "But if you think all these great thoughts and you do I can't see how you can quote those legends as if you thought them true." "I quote them, yes, because I love them, and their poetry. Through all beauty all sweetness all strength God brings to us his thought. This I believe.

Just what Anne intended to do she did not know, but her outburst had its effect on the conspirators, and they squirmed uneasily under the lash of her words. Perhaps, they had misjudged this slender, dark-eyed girl after all. Before Anne could say more, Grace spoke quietly. "Sit down, all of you," she said at last, with a sweetness and dignity that was remarkable in so young a girl.

Some clothes fluttered on a line that stretched from a bough of the tree, and turning away as if they offended her, Virginia closed her eyes and breathed in the sweetness of the honeysuckle, which mingled deliciously with the strange new sense of approaching happiness in her heart.

Arnold, smiling with all the angelic sweetness at her command, "since I have never had the pleasure of visiting that renowned place."

His face would have been womanish in its plainness but for the gravity that had grown upon it, only occasionally dispersed by a smile of scholarliness and sweetness which had the effect of being permitted, conceded.

For one second before I rushed forward to clasp her in my arms, I stood to gaze at her, and the sweetness, the enchanting glamour of the vision was borne in upon me and locked itself into my memory for ever.

"May I take you home now?" She went with him, without a word, and they walked slowly home, by far outlying paths, and long waits on rose-bowered seats they knew. The moon filled all the world with tender light and the orange blossoms flooded the still air with sweetness. "Dear," said he, "I have been a proud fool I am yet but I have come to see a little clearer.