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I heard a kab galloping like mad out of the hotel-gate, and knew then that my master was safe. My tail is droring rabidly to a close; my suvvice with Mr. Deuceace didn't continyou very long after the last chapter, in which I described my admiral strattyjam, and my singlar self-devocean.

"Sir," says I, clasping my hands, and busting into tears, "do not for heaven's sake, do not! think of any such think, or drive me from your suvvice, because I have been fool enough to write in magaseens. Glans but one moment at your honor's plate every spoon is as bright as a mirror; condysend to igsamine your shoes your honor may see reflected in them the fases of every one in the company.

"SUR, Suckmstansies have acurd sins I last had the honner of wating on you, which render it impossbil that I should remane any longer in your suvvice. I'll thank you to leave out my thinx, when they come home on Sattady from the wash. "Your obeajnt servnt, The athography of the abuv noat, I confess, is atrocious; but ke voolyvoo?

Lander, you've got to stand this gouge or you've got to stand a law suit. I think the gouge would be cheaper in the end. You see, he's got a right to his month's rent." "It ain't the rent I ca'e for: it's the candles, and the suvvice, and the things he says we broke.

Bennam, you're about the strangest vice-consul, to want me to do it, that I eva saw." The vice-consul laughed unresentfully. "Well, shall I send you a lawyer?" "No!" Mrs. Lander retorted; and after a moment's reflection she added, "I'm goin' to stay my month, and so you may tell him, and then I'll see whetha he can make me pay for that breakage and the candles and suvvice.