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But, notwithstanding all these complicated miseries, they were wicked enough to thrive and grow, and when on shore forgot all their troubles and enjoyed themselves like princes. The first surgeon’s assistant was a tall, slight young man, with his head filled with the Pharmacopoeia, bleeding, blistering and gallipots. We dubbed himThe Village Apothecary,” and sometimesSnipes.”

I left my poor wife big with child, and accepted an advantageous offer made me to be captain of the Adventurer, a stout merchantman of 350 tons: for I understood navigation well, and being grown weary of a surgeon’s employment at sea, which, however, I could exercise upon occasion, I took a skilful young man of that calling, one Robert Purefoy, into my ship.

I shall not trouble my readers with a description of Arras, as they may satisfy their curiosity, if they wish it, by consulting a Gazeteer. At five o’clock the lieutenant called on me, and we all repaired to the surgeon’s house. He gave us a good dinner, and was very attentive.

A doctor is sent for he lives near, and comes at once with a glance he recognises your state, and suggests the immediate remedy the lancet. “Fetch a basin,” says somebody, with more presence of mind than the rest. “Not so fast,” quoth the medico. “I am a pure physician I don’t bleed: that’s the surgeon’s affair.

I was overpowered with his disinterested kindness, and sent him some rum and gunpowder. Before I left the place I obtained from the master of the slave-ship an order, payable at Jamaica, for the surgeon’s salary and wages of the seamen who had entered. We got on board the same evening.

It raised itself convulsively for a single moment; its eyes rolled, and it gave vent to a subdued moan of intense agony. Mr. Fiddyes fell fainting on the floor as Dr. Carnell entered. It needed but a glance to tell the doctor what had happened, even had not Peter just then given vent to another low cry. The surgeon’s measures were soon taken.

The yellow fever was still making havoc amongst the officers and crew. We had lost five lieutenants, the surgeon’s mate, captain’s clerk, and eight midshipmen, one of whom died singingDulce Domum.” It was at length my turn. I was seized with a dreadful swimming in my head; it appeared so large that it was painful to carry it.

On the following day he received an order to call upon the admiral. When he did so that officer received him very kindly. “I am sorry,” he said, “to learn that you have lost some fingers, Mr. Gilmore.” “I hope it will not interfere much with my efficiency, sir?” “I think not,” the admiral said; “I have received the surgeon’s report this morning.

So far as his eyes were concerned, he was already an old man, and needed a pair of spectacles almost as much as his own grandfather did. And now, alas! the time was come, when even grandfather’s spectacles could not have assisted Edward to read. After a few bitter tears, which only pained his eyes the more, the poor boy submitted to the surgeon’s orders.

This last was a square, broad-shouldered Welshman, with an open countenance, and of no little consequence. I descended to his cabin, which was under water, and I could, when in it, distinctly hear that element bubbling like a kettle boiling as it ran by the ship’s side above our heads. I found this said cabin not too large for three of us, as the surgeon’s mate was an inmate as well as myself.