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A faint questioning honk sounded, and Philip Harris turned. "The car is ready," he said, "to take you back." "When it comes, it may come all at once," the surgeon had said, "and overwhelm him. Better lead up to it if we can let him recall it a bit here a bit there feel his way back to the old place to himself." "Where my child is," said Philip Harris.

"All this talk of yours about wanting to be married the same day I start off on my Canadian trip!" he contended. "Why, it's all damned nonsense!" "Yes, sir," said the White Linen Nurse. Very conscientiously the Senior Surgeon began to search for a fleck of dust on his other cuff. "Why my my dear girl," he persisted. "It's absurd! It's outrageous! Why people would would hoot at us!

"Good-afternoon, missus," said Old Ben, removing his hat. "Here am a gen'man as wishes to see yo'," and he bowed low. "To see me?" said Mrs. Ruthven. "Yes, madam," replied the doctor. "Permit me to introduce myself. I am Dr. Mackey, a surgeon attached to the Fifth Virginia regiment," and he bowed gravely. "I am happy to make the acquaintance of an officer in our army, sir," replied Mrs.

'We'll save him yet, he said; and the Surgeon, who, though he ranked with the Captain, had a very youthful heart, went out upon the word and pranced joyously in the mud. 'Not going out this journey, whispered Bobby Wick gallantly, at the end of the third day. 'Bravo! said the Surgeon-Major. 'That's the way to look at it, Bobby.

Stevenson's departure for England in 1898, she had been suffering severely from an illness which finally necessitated a surgical operation. This operation, which was a very critical one and brought her within the valley of the shadow for a time, was performed in London by Sir Frederick Treves, the noted surgeon and physician to the King.

Sympathetic officers and comrades surrounded the prostrate form in an instant. The colonel himself sprang from his carriage and joined the group; a blanket was quickly brought from a neighboring tent, and the sergeant was borne thither and laid upon a cot. A surgeon felt his pulse and looked inquiringly around: "Any of you cavalrymen know him well? Has he been affected this way before?"

Daniel McCook, Presbyterian elder and Sunday-school superintendent, went into the war at sixty-three with his sons, and two years later was killed in the engagement with Morgan at Buffington Island. Latimer A. McCook died in 1869 of wounds received during his service as surgeon in the battles of the war.

His comrades crowded round him, and, finding that he was wounded and suffering great pain, raised him in their arms and bore him into the cavern, where they laid him on the ground, and, lighting a candle, proceeded to examine him. "You had better let me look at him, lads," said Oliver, pushing the men gently aside, "I am a surgeon."

Pevy had set the bad fracture that Hunchie had suffered and the poor little man had been made as comfortable as he could be made at the time. He had been badly shaken in falling so far at the barn, and the surgeon declared he would be confined to his bed for some weeks. "And oo's to take care of Ida Bellethorne, I ask you?" demanded Hunchie faintly. "Mr.

The surgeon carried the poor animal home, bandaged up his leg, and after two or three days turned him out. The dog returned to the surgeon's house every morning till his leg was perfectly well.