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Anne had been insistent and Majendie passive, as he was in most unimportant matters, reserving his energies for supremely decisive moments. Anne, bearing her belief in Majendie in her innocent breast, failed at first to connect her husband with the remarkable intimations that passed between the two newcomers gossiping in the drawing-room before dinner.

Then came a double row of young men carrying flags and banners fine, clean-limbed lads such as make a woman's heart leap to look at them. Then came Martin in a jaunting car with a cheering crowd alongside of him, trying to look cheerful but finding it fearfully hard to do so. I was crying like a child at the sight of it all, but none the less I was supremely happy.

As, moreover, the released soul has freed itself from the bondage of karman, has its powers of knowledge fully developed, and has all its being in the supremely blissful intuition of the highest Brahman, it evidently cannot desire anything else nor enter on any other form of activity, and the idea of its returning into the Samsara therefore is altogether excluded.

When all these three elements, IMAGE, EFFORT, SUCCESS, are present most vividly, the feeling is of triumphant volition. Now my thesis is the thesis toward which every though of the preceding has pointed that the fundamental facts of the musical experience are supremely fitted to bring about the illusion and the exaltation of the triumphant will.

'Gather ye roses while ye may' is a very common keynote, struck by poets of the baser sort. And it is a thought that influences some of us, I have little doubt. Or there may be another consideration. 'Make hay whilst the sun shines. 'Hurry on your getting rich, because you have not very long to do it in'; or the like. Now all that is supremely unworthy.

When they flared, hers fairly challenged the laws of equilibrium. She danced with the same facility with which she rode, swam, and played tennis. In doing these things supremely well she felt that she vindicated the position of the woman of letters. Why should one be a frump because one wrote?

Flint's had been the brain which had largely conceived and executed the consolidation of principalities of which the Imperial Railroad was the result and, as surely as tough metal prevails, Mr. Flint, after many other trials and errors of weaker stuff, had been elected to the place for which he was so supremely fitted.

To-night's been a great contrast to my usual evenings in that great empty barrack of a dining-room at Heronsmere." Unconsciously he spoke out of a great loneliness, and Ann's heart ached for this supremely hurt and bitter soul which sought security from further hurt behind the iron barriers of a self-imposed reserve and solitude.

Angelina admitted, however, that her bambino was supremely happy there, so happy, in fact, that she hadn't the heart to take her away, even though she does know that it is all "tomfoolishness" the "kid" is being taught by a mistaken philanthropy. It is fair to suppose that in the factory and workshop of every description the kindergarten is bound to work incalculable results.

For authority she had as little reverence as a savage; yet she was not a savage, for she represented instead the perfect product of over-civilization. The world was bounded for her by her own personality. She was supremely interested in what she thought, felt, or imagined, and beyond the limits of her individuality, she was frankly bored by existence.