United States or Côte d'Ivoire ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

You see this other page in red ink? Well, that is a list of my town suppliers. Now, look at that third name. Just read it out to me." "Mrs. Oakshott, 117, Brixton Road 249," read Holmes. "Quite so. Now turn that up in the ledger." Holmes turned to the page indicated. "Here you are, 'Mrs. Oakshott, 117, Brixton Road, egg and poultry supplier." "Now, then, what's the last entry?" "'December 22nd.

Either the committee feared the expense which the representation would have entailed, or else the elder Dumas, who was one of their most successful suppliers of dramas, and had recently fallen out with them, must have made up the quarrel just before Balzac's comedy was read.

Victory is not guaranteed, losses loom constantly, investors are forever edgy, customers are fickle, bankers itchy, capital markets gloomy, suppliers beholden to the competition. Barriers to entry are almost always formidable and often insurmountable. In the real world, tacit and implicit understandings regarding prices and competitive behavior prevail among competitors within oligopolies.

The new South is developing a great business in this line. When you go to New Orleans look up the stores whose letter head reads: NELSON CO-OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION, INC. Food Suppliers OFFICE, 506 So. In August, 1917, N. O. Nelson of the above concern writes in answer to my request: "It does not take 2500 words to tell all I know about Cooperation.

The international non-proliferation effort requires the support of suppliers as well as importers of nuclear technology and materials. We have been proceeding on a number of fronts: First, we have been seeking to encourage nations to accede to the Non-Proliferation Treaty.

There are also international suppliers of books and periodicals like the two Anglo-American companies Blackwell and Dawson who work exclusively for libraries and documentation services.

There was never any let-up in his turning the thumb-screws of extended credit and economy. From the big wholesale suppliers down through the salary list to office stationery and postage stamps, he kept the thumb-screws turning. When his superintendents and heads of departments performed prodigies of cutting down, he patted them on the back and demanded more.

The market is well supplied with all descriptions of fish caught in the Pasig or the bay, most of which are well tasted; the fishermen of the villages in the neighbourhood being the principal suppliers. A small sort is found in the river very much resembling white-bait in taste. Shrimps are also consumed in large quantities.

There are markets crying out to be quickly fed with foreign goods, and it is my opinion that the French will be the suppliers of those goods. British enterprise is so weak that we cannot capture the greater portion of the growing foreign trade, and must feel thankful if we can but retain what trade we have, and supply those exports with which the French have no possibility of competing.

Before the United States declared their independence, they, as British colonies, enjoyed the privilege of trading with their fellow-colonists under what was then the common flag; and the nearness of the two regions contributed to the advantage of both in this traffic, in which the continental communities were the chief suppliers of many articles essential to the islands, notably provisions and lumber.