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I kneel at your feet, fair lady, a despairing and most unhappy suppliant for your grace and favour." "Rise, my lord, I beseech you," said the frightened, trembling girl, speaking with great difficulty and in a voice that sounded strange in her own ears; "such a position does not become your rank. I am only an actress, and my poor attractions do not warrant such homage.

To which menace the other returning no other answer, but only a fierce and disdainful look; "What," says Alexander, observing his haughty and obstinate silence, "is he too stiff to bend a knee! Is he too proud to utter one suppliant word! Truly, I will conquer this silence; and if I cannot force a word from his mouth, I will, at least, extract a groan from his heart."

Take the two lines which I have just quoted from Homer, the poet's comment on Helen's mention of her brothers; or take his the address of Zeus to the horses of Peleus; or take finally his the words of Achilles to Priam, a suppliant before him. Take that incomparable line and a half of Dante, Ugolino's tremendous words "Io no piangeva; dentro impietrai. Piangevan elli ..."

I cannot say that I have been able to conform myself, in heart and spirit, to your rules; I cannot say that I believe my forty years have been profitable or pleasant to myself, or any one; but I have habitually submitted, and I only ask you to remember it. Woe to the suppliant, if such a one there were or ever had been, who had any concession to look for in the inexorable face at the cabinet.

Let Me know that first. But when blind Bartimaeus cried, Jesus smiled down upon him though his sightless eyeballs could not see the smile, there would be a smile in the cadence of His words and He said: 'What wouldst thou that I should do for thee? To this suppliant that question was a promise 'I will do what you want. He puts the key of the royal treasure-house into the hand of faith, and says, 'Go in and help yourself.

In their fortune there has been some fluctuation. We are to see how their minds have been affected with a change. Some impression it made on them, undoubtedly. It produced some oblique notice of the submissions that were made by suppliant nations.

Yet this savage hero was not inaccessible to pity; his suppliant enemies might confide in the assurance of peace or pardon; and Attila was considered by his subjects as a just and indulgent master.

It was not long before his pride and resentment were gratified by a suppliant embassy from the unfortunate Gelimer, who implored, in his distress, the aid of the Spanish monarch.

On my knees I entreat you, as you will expect mercy yourself, when no human power can avail you, give him but a day." "It is impossible," repeated the colonel, in a voice that was nearly choked. "Our orders are peremptory, and too long delay has been given already." He turned from the kneeling suppliant, but could not, or would not, extricate that hand that she grasped with frenzied fervor.

He then named the terms on which he would retreat, all the gold and silver in the city; all the rich and precious movables; all the slaves who were of barbarian origin. "If such are your demands," asked the envoys, now reduced to suppliant tones, "what do you intend to leave us?" "Your lives," said Alaric, in haughty tones. The envoys retired, trembling with fear.