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They attempted to supersede one set of dogmas by another. They succeeded with half the world they failed with the other half. In a little while it became apparent that good men without ceasing to be good could think differently about theology, and that goodness, therefore, depended on something else than the holding orthodox opinions.

About this time Beauregard arrived upon the field, not to supersede Hood in command, but to take general charge over the entire district in which Hood and Sherman were, or might be, operating.

This is the Faith which is perpetually presenting to the believer's mind the vision of a world in which all the inequalities of this present world shall be redressed, in which truth, justice, and love shall visibly reign, in which temptations shall cease and sin shall cease also; in which the upward strivings of noble souls shall find their end, and holiness shall supersede penitence, and hearts shall be pure of all defilement.

Rumors of the way things were going at Calumet under the hands of his younger co-laborer had reached Bannon, and he was not greatly surprised when MacBride told him to go to Chicago Sunday night and supersede Peterson.

In religion, most of the Malays are Mohammedans, but the people of Bally and Lombok are still Brahmins, while the Dyaks and Battaks are of very primitive faiths. From remote times until 1478 Brahminism and Buddhism were the principal religions, but in that year the faith of Islam began to supersede them.

Think of me, my dear Lord, and if I have deserved well, let me retire; if ill, for heaven's sake supersede me, for I cannot exist in this state." Pegasus was indeed shackled. The truce was continued from day to day, both sides preparing to renew hostilities, while the negotiators sat.

'Chloride of Lime' is a useful application for ill-conditioned wounds and for the frequent cleansing of the kennel. 'Epsom Salts', or 'Sulphate of Magnesia', are mild yet effective in their action: with regard to cattle and sheep, they supersede every other aperient; for the dog, however, they must yield to the castor-oil mixture.

The Harpers felt sure that by issuing the best, and only the best, English novels at a low price, they would not only meet a real want on the part of the public, but in great measure supersede the "yellow covers," with all their pernicious influences. The sequel proved the correctness of these views, and resulted in large profits to them.

In other words, he chose that his destined son-in-law, the Cardinal Albert, should supersede them, and he was anxious to have him appointed as soon as possible King of the Romans.

If the sagacity of Columbus had not conducted mankind to America, Cabral, by a fortunate accident, might have led them, a few years later, to the knowledge of that extensive continent." Nicholas de Ovando Appointed to Supersede Bobadilla. The numerous discoveries briefly noticed in the preceding chapter had produced a powerful effect upon the mind of Ferdinand.