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The blinded hero followed the sound of the Cyclops' hammer till he reached Lemnos, and came to the forge of Vulcan, who, taking pity on him, gave him Kedalion, one of his men, to be his guide to the abode of the sun. Placing Kedalion on his shoulders, Orion proceeded to the east, and there meeting the sun-god, was restored to sight by his beam.

There the sun-god embarked in a winged boat, which conveyed him round by the northern part of the earth, back to his place of rising in the east. Milton alludes to this in his "Commmus." "Now the gilded car of day His golden axle doth allay In the steep Atlantic stream, And the slope sun his upward beam Shoots against the dusky pole, Pacing towards the other goal Of his chamber in the east."

It is thus clear that ages before our era the cross was venerated in Egypt as in other lands as the symbol both of Life and of the Giver of Life; and that the deity worshipped as the Giver of Life, and ever associated with that salutary symbol the cross, was the Sun-God. Dr.

"We are goin' to take it with us in that bottle that looks all made of silver." "Silver and gold," she murmured, looking into the radiant distance where Thebes lay cradled in the arms of the sun-god. "And when are we going, Ibrahim?" He looked at her, and his soft, pale brown lips stretched themselves and showed his dazzling teeth. "When you are ready, my lady." She looked up into his face.

As now laid bare by the excavations of 1900, it is seen to consist of an artificial mound, with a great court in front to the eastward. On the mound was erected a truncated obelisk, the stone emblem of the Sun-god.

It is even recorded that he forced the unwilling ones to sign under penalty off deprivation and banishment. From these and other incidents in his career it would appear that, either from policy or conviction, Constantine acted as if he thought the Sun-God and the Christ were one and the same deity.

Hence the intrinsic and inexhaustible idealism of Greek sculpture, to which I will presently return. Few works of art more fully and more attractively show the anthropomorphic tendency of Greek art than the sunrise vase of the British Museum. It shows us the whole morning pageant of nature humanized. On the right appears the sun-god driving a chariot of winged horses, who rise out of the sea.

The line of the Pharaohs, the incarnations of the Sun-god, had returned in him to the earth. It was not the first time that the Egyptian and the Greek had stood side by side against the common Persian foe. Greek troops had disputed the passage of Kambyses into Egypt.

But the eagle, we are told, paid no heed to the warning. He descended and ate of the young of the serpent. The serpent appeals to Shamash. He tells the sun-god of the cruel deed of the eagle: See, O Shamash, the evil that he has done to me. Thy trap is the distant heavens. Who can escape thy net?

The old notion, that the heroes were deified men, is no longer tenable. With but few exceptions, we can trace their names as the names of the old gods of the Hellenic or Pelasgian races; and if they appeared later in human forms, they descended from Olympus to assume them. Diomed was the OEtolian sun-god; Achilles was worshipped in Thessaly long before he became the hero of the tale of Troy.