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Whilst reflecting upon my very critical position, my poor Said came in from the streets very much cast down, and very sulky. "What's the matter?" I asked. "Oh!" blubbered Said, "the people are all talking about your telling the Consul that the Jews lend them goods to trade in slaves. They hate you now." "Never mind," I returned, "it will pass away soon."

But quickly the painter was forgotten, and once more her mind reverted to Larry at last Larry was coming back! only to have the painter, after a minute, interrupt her excited imagination with: "What's the matter with your tongue, Maggie? Generally you stab back with it quick enough." She turned, still sulky and silent, and gazed with cynical superiority at the easel.

That's a spirit I'm sorry to notice in ye, and I regret to see that ye're already looking sulky at rebuke. The vairse, pursued Armstrong, 'is mainly sickly, whining, puling stuff, as far away from Nature and experience as it's easily possible to be. Now, I invite ye. Listen to this. He began to read with a fine disdain: "Come not when I am dead To drop thy foolish tears upon my grave."

She was very tired of him tired to death. He had not even the courage to carry his bundle beyond the yard-end. As she meditated, at about nine o'clock, he opened the door and came in, slinking, and yet sulky. She said not a word. He took off his coat, and slunk to his armchair, where he began to take off his boots. "You'd better fetch your bundle before you take your boots off," she said quietly.

I will wait about in the rain for an hour, and 'bus after 'bus shall pass, but I will not be beat. I WILL have a place, and get it at length, with my boots wet through, and an umbrella dripping between my legs. I have a rheumatism, a cold, a sore throat, a sulky evening, a doctor's bill to-morrow perhaps? Yes, but I have won my game, and am gainer of a shilling on this rubber.

He was an old Levant mariner, who, unlike his race in general, was rather fonder of action than words; and, though he had no objection to cut a throat, or plunder a ship, he did not approve of talking about it. Though he was a sulky old rascal, Zappa had great confidence in his sagacity, and accordingly turned his eye in the direction to which he pointed.

He did not, however, resist the compelling hand a second time, realizing the futility of such a proceeding. So in dead silence they reached the Grand and entered. Then Carlyon spoke again. "Come up to my room first!" he said. Derrick went with him unprotesting. In his own room Carlyon turned round and took him by the shoulders. "Now," he said, "are you ill or merely sulky?

In the' darkest recesses she found Holworthy, shut off from a view of the stage by a barrier of women's hats. "Your friend Mr. Ward," she began abruptly, in a whisper, "is the rudest, most ill-bred person I ever met. When I talked to him the other day I thought he was nice. He was nice, But he has behaved abominably like a boor like a sulky child. Has he no sense of humor?

I'm not afwaid of BLOOD. 'Not afwaid of blood! exclaimed a young man with a thick, pale, jeering face, who had just come to the table and was drinking whisky. The Pussum turned on him a sulky look of dislike, low and ugly. 'Aren't you really afraid of blud? the other persisted, a sneer all over his face. 'No, I'm not, she retorted.

"For God's sake don't take even that away from me," he said. "Unless you want me to go to pieces altogether. A crust does just keep one alive. One can't help thinking what a fine, strong chap one might be if one wasn't always hungry." She felt so sorry for him. He looked such a boy, with the angry tears in his clear blue eyes, and that little childish quivering of the kind, strong, sulky mouth.