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The fusuma of the oshiire and zendana were of white paper only, but had been decorated with large Chinese characters exquisitely written, characters suggesting, according to the law of such decoration, the favourite themes of the poet and artist: Spring Flowers, Mountain and Sea, Summer Rain, Sky and Stars, Autumn Moon, River Water, Autumn Breeze.

Then, within such limits as his piety permitted, which were sufficiently wide, Mr. Knight lost his temper very badly indeed. He attacked his son, suggesting that he had been leading an evil life in Lucerne, as he had learned "from outside sources," and declared that either he should obey him or be cast off.

As the time for the race drew near the excitement increased, figures darted here, there and everywhere, the bobbing, brightly coloured hats of the women in the great slanting field of the grandstand suggesting bunches of flowers agitated by the breeze. Then the horses paraded in a thoroughbred fashion, as if they appreciated their lengthy pedigrees and understood their importance.

At last he said: "Mebbe Polly's told ye that I'm a wid'wer." John admitted that Mrs. Bixbee had said as much as that. "Yes, sir," said David, "I'm a wid'wer of long standin'." No appropriate comment suggesting itself to his listener, none was made.

After making some meaningless but eloquent speeches the convention appointed a committee on credentials and adjourned until the following day. On reassembling Colonel W.L. Nugent, chairman of the committee, presented a certain preamble and resolutions citing causes of the exodus and suggesting remedies.

Here is a pleasant thought for the year's end or for the end of life: Only self-deception will be satisfied, and there need be no despair for the despairer. But Christmas is not only the mile-mark of another year, moving us to thoughts of self-examination: it is a season, from all its associations, whether domestic or religious, suggesting thoughts of joy.

"Deader 'n a door-nail!" muttered Percy. His prize was fully seven feet long. The iron had gone down under the shoulder and out into the gills, causing it to bleed freely. Its sword, which was an extension of the upper jaw, suggesting a duck's bill, was notched and battered, where it had struck against rocks on the bottom.

Keep this very quiet not a word to anybody. It may mean something in the end." "Gee whiz!" murmured Eddie, his eyes wide with interest. From that day on he and Bobby Rigby were allies even conspirators. Later in the day Rigby had a telephone message from Graydon Bansemer, suggesting that they lunch together.

But as she entered the room nothing could have seemed less formidable except to the heart. Her spring dress she was wearing it for the first time was of a pale green, suggesting the draperies of islands of enchantment. Its lines coincided with the lines of her figure.

Soon they heard a little call, suggesting elfland trumpets, in a distant part of the wood. It was repeated three or four times; each time fainter and farther. They saw and heard no more of her that day. "She's an odd child and as pretty as a spotted fawn, and about as wild," said Abe. "She's a kind of a first cousin to the bobolink."