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More than three months had passed, during which I had seen her almost every day; and what can I say of that time except that I saw her? "To be with those we love," said Bruyere, "suffices; to dream, to talk to them, not to talk to them, to think of them, to think of the most indifferent things, but to be near them, it is all the same." I loved.

However, the featherless patch on the rook's cheeks suffices, whatever its cause, as a mark by which to recognise the bird living or dead.

Then said he to the fisherman, 'Go about thy business. So he kissed the Khalif's feet and thanked him and recited the following verses: Thou hast heaped benefits on me, past all that I could crave! My tongue suffices not to praise thy goodness to thy slave. So I will thank thee whilst I live; and when I come to die, My very bones shall never cease to thank thee in the grave.

Yet there may be danger in this, for in one's anxiety to prove what he first only imagined, small proof suffices.

It suffices here for me to have mentioned this Marxian law and I will refer to the suggestive book of Achille Loria the reader who desires to see how this law scientifically explains all the phenomena, from the most trivial to the most imposing, of the social life. This law is truly the most scientific and the most prolific sociological theory that has ever been discovered by the genius of man.

We have seen that there is no infallible criterion by which to distinguish species and well-marked varieties; and in those cases in which intermediate links have not been found between doubtful forms, naturalists are compelled to come to a determination by the amount of difference between them, judging by analogy whether or not the amount suffices to raise one or both to the rank of species.

Thirty hogsheads of fermenting liquor producing a great deal of this gaz, the room should be purified of it by opening two opposite windows several times a day. This is the more essential, as the pure air, or oxigen, contributes to the formation of the spirit, of which it is one of the constituting principles. A short time, however, suffices to renew the air of the room.

A moment of historical reflection suffices to see that the former is the architecture of a long-settled agricultural place, with its spreading undefended villages, in which each household had its separate dwelling, the other a persistence of the Continental fortified city crowded within its walls.

Go where you will, you cannot avoid these pointed, jagged edges. You come across them everywhere, and have to suffer accordingly. To begin with, there is the holly. Now you could not find anything lovelier in the way of foliage than holly, only such a little suffices. At Christmas time you are literally saturated with it.

"Certainly"; and taking a small sketch-book from his pocket, Master Matyas proceeded to do as he was requested first, however, explaining to the count a drawing of the cannon which would mow down at one shot fifteen hundred men. "You see," he explained, "here are two cannon welded together at the breech, with their muzzles ten degrees apart. But one touch-hole suffices for both.