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By this time he had become suf- ficiently acquainted with the peculiar odor, to know he was imposed upon. The scholars shouted with laughter to see the terror of the dupe, who, feeling abashed at the needless fright, made no very strict investigation, and Nig once more escaped punishment.

The picket line, approaching its sixth month of duty, had aroused the country to an unprecedented interest in suf- frage; it had rallied widespread public support to the amend- ment as a war measure, and had itself become almost univer- sally accepted if not universally approved.

Kobbe, "and your face was all break breaking out into a smile, and you didn't have that suf sufferin' kinder look 't you've got now." "I think, myself, sir," said the bland photographer "ah! let me arrange your hair a little, just this side or this? which side? ah! so that a little less severe expression we all have our trials, I know, but " "I hain't!" said the captain ferociously.

Untrammelled all this time that I have lived in imaginary slavery, oh, how much I have suf " but she checked the impulse that bade her murmur, and said instead, "because I have done wrong myself, I can forgive. I know how the guilty heart craves for pardon, how the loaded conscience aches for relief, and therefore, you can take my entire forgiveness back to the penitent who asks it.

This statement was not very encouraging to me, but I had set my heart on reaching the Jordan by this route, so simply said, "Lead on." Several times I feared I had made a serious mistake, but having come thus far I could not go back. After we had passed through the old cemetery our ascent was gradual until we reached the modern village of Suf, three miles northwest of Gerasa.

Angry that she should venture a reply to her command, she suddenly inflicted a blow which lay the tottering girl prostrate on the floor. Ex- cited by so much indulgence of a dangerous pas- sion, she seemed left to unrestrained malice; and snatching a towel, stuffed the mouth of the suf- ferer, and beat her cruelly. Frado hoped she would end her misery by whipping her to death.

Torn by treachery from her I love, my letters all intercepted, pens and paper kept from me, I write this with a toothpick and my blood on a rim of 'The Times. Oh God, direct it to some one who has suf- fered, and can feel for an- other's agony." Dr. Sampson was the first to speak. "There," said he, under his breath: "didn't I tell you? This man is sane. There's sanity in every line."

Had Everton told his daughter? This was blankly incredible. If he had told her that we were thieves, she would never have gone so far aside from her childhood hatred of duplicity and wrong-doing as to come and warn us. "I was afraid you might not believe me," she said, with a little catch in her voice; and then: "I can't blame you; after what you have suf after all that has happened."

The pioneer was not wholly without defence to the impeachment. He might have pleaded ill health, of which he had had quantum suf. since 1836 for himself and family.

It is observable that St. Jerome, confining himself to the Hebrew, calls this sea Jamsuf. Jam in that language signifies sea, and suf is the name of a plant in AEthiopia, from which the Abyssins extract a beautiful crimson; whether this be the same with the gouesmon, I know not, but am of opinion that the herb gives to this sea both the colour and the name.