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He had got his facts clear, so far as they went, and his mind wandered out with the wash of the water, and the mystery of the river flowed over him; the silent causeway leading to the sea, carrying the living on its bosom, and bearing the dead beneath its brown, sucking flow, full of its own life, and eternally restless as the sea tides ebbed and flowed, yet musical and wild and unchanged by the hand of man.

It moves with great speed, sucking up everything and reducing it to powder. In many days' journey I have not found a square copret of the country that did not suffer a visitation. If any human being escaped he must speedily have perished from starvation.

He was threshing about in the deep water like a cat that has fallen overboard; and managing to keep partly afloat after a fashion; though it would have been all over with him long ere the power boat could be turned around and arrive at the spot where he struggled, gasping for breath, and sucking in much water.

For the last few days, the weather had been tolerably cool, and we had not been much troubled with musquitoes; instead, however, we were persecuted severely by a very large greyish kind of horsefly, with a huge proboscis for sucking up the blood.

I just meant that she was willing to spend her life sucking on trank, watching Telly, and living on the pittance income from the unalienable stock shares issued her at birth. But let's get to this religious curd. Son, whatever con man first thought up the idea of gods put practically the whole human race on the sucker list.

There was an irresistible sucking of the water in the direction the fish went, which was towards a hole at the bottom of the lake like a funnel, and right into this hole went the boat. It glided for a long time in a sort of twilight along a subterranean river, which dashed and splashed about him.

He stood for a while, sucking at his under-lip, and regarding Zeb gloomily. "May I ask why you have deliberately blown up this pretty mine at the eleventh hour?" "I couldn't do it," Zeb groaned; "Lord knows 'twas not for love of you, but I couldn't." "Upon my word, you fascinate me. People say that evil is more easily learnt than goodness; but that's great nonsense.

"Minnie, ha' a sweetie ain o' Davie's sweeties!" and he held it out anxiously in his warm plump palm, thinking it a certain cure for any ill. "Eat it for mither," she said, smiling tenderly; and then: "Davie, ma heart, I'm leavin' ye." The boy ceased sucking the sweet, and looked at her, the corners of his mouth drooping pitifully. "Ye're no gaein' awa', mither?" he asked, his face all working.

He stopped, and turned away from her, concealing his perturbation. She shivered at the thought and partly from weariness and hunger, with a little sucking in of the breath his ear caught, and he turned, a different man. "You are tired; will we rest before we go further?" "Is it far?" she asked. He reddened.

Vampires sucking out all your nervous strength. Abandon these things for a while. Live the life the good God gave you. Enjoy your living moments as you were intended to enjoy them. And be thankful that the sun rises each morning, and that you can rise up from your bed refreshed and ready for the full play of heart, and mind, and limbs.