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Now as Linnaeus practically applied the idea of species with a sagacity which has never been surpassed and rarely equaled and indeed may be said to have fixed its received meaning in natural history, it may well be inferred that in the phrase above cited he did not so much undertake to frame a logical definition, as to set forth the idea which, in his opinion, lay at the foundation of species; on which basis A.L. Jussieu did construct a logical definition "Nunc rectius definitur perennis individuorum similium successio continuata generatione renascentium."

'Nunc defecit certa successio in omnibus ecclesiis apostolicis, praeterquam in Romana, et ideo ex testimonio huius solius ecclesiae sumi potest certum argumentum ad probandas apostolicas traditiones. Bellarmine, De Verbo Dei scripto et non scripto, IV, ix, 10. Bellarmine, De Laicis, III, xxi, 22. : Santayana, Return in Religion, p. 108. Tertullian, De Virg. Vel., 1.

Tremor et successio non cadunt in fortem et constantem. I send you a distich on the Lord Coke "Jus condere Cocus potuit, sed condere jure Non potuit; potuit condere jura cocis."

Suecedere alone is used in the sense of inherit, /3/ and successio in that of "inheritance." /4/ The succession par excellence was the inheritance; and it is believed that scarcely any instance will be found in the Roman sources where "succession" does not convey that analogy, and indicate the partial assumption, at least, of a persona formerly sustained by another.