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Hoping to return in one year, she left. Every thing went on well. Her letters were full of gratitude. Her Southern friends never allowed her to feel her subordinate position for a moment. She also remitted regularly the wages for the nurse, and little George was, when fifteen months old, a lovely fair boy, and as large as a child two years old.

Two of the highest chieftains, subordinate to the Cacique, soon came with an imposing train of warriors, bearing a welcome from their chief and the offer of his services. De Soto received them with the utmost courtesy, and in the interchange of these friendly offices, both Spaniards and natives became alike pleased with each other.

Formal Logic, therefore, which Sir William Hamilton from his own point of view, and Archbishop Whately from his, have represented as the whole of Logic properly so called, is really a very subordinate part of it, not being directly concerned with the process of Reasoning or Inference in the sense in which that process is a part of the Investigation of Truth. What, then, is Formal Logic?

These two deities who divided the universe between them had each subordinate spirits or genii, who did their will, and assisted in the government of the universe, corresponding to our idea of angels and demons.

It was an impress of such a seal as you might imagine, not the arch-fiend, but one of his subordinate shepherds, would have set upon each of his flock.

Attempts of Caesar to Avert Military Despotism But, if it remains a mere probability that Caesar ought not to be designated a world-conqueror in the same sense as Alexander and Napoleon, it is quite certain that his design was not to rest his new monarchy primarily on the support of the army nor generally to place the military authority above the civil, but to incorporate it with, and as far as possible subordinate it to, the civil commonwealth.

The former is the usual aim of the curious, the latter is merely subordinate to it. If you wish to travel as a philosopher you should reverse this order. The child observes things till he is old enough to study men. Man should begin by studying his fellows; he can study things later if time permits. It is therefore illogical to conclude that travel is useless because we travel ill.

Our quest for peace and freedom necessarily presumes that we who hold positions of public trust must rise above self and section that we must subordinate to the general good our partisan, our personal pride and prejudice. Tirelessly, with united purpose, we must fortify the material and spiritual foundations of this land of freedom and of free nations throughout the world.

And the fear that was secretly cherished by that imperious nation was yet more anxiously nursed by the subordinate allies . Actuated by their own and the general apprehensions, the Spartans therefore now requested the Athenians to desist from the erection of their walls.

He had very little pride of opinion, and was perfectly candid in weighing whatever was contrary to his predilections; yet he was not systematic in his business methods, and was quite apt to decide first and discuss afterward. He never found fault with a subordinate for assuming responsibility or acting without orders, provided he was assured of his earnest good purpose in doing so.