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At noon home, and contrary to my expectation find my little girle Su worse than she was, which troubled me, and the more to see my wife minding her paynting and not thinking of her house business, this being the first day of her beginning the second time to paynt.

DON EDUARDO. Ya te dije que el apoderado de mi tío, que es escribano del consejo, me ha ofrecido emplearme en su despacho como copiante ... cuando tenga que copiar, se entiende ... y voy a ver si me adelanta cien reales, a cuenta de mis futuros garabatos, para pagar el casero y para ir viviendo. DOÑA MATILDE. Y ¿qué me he de hacer yo entretanto, sin libros, sin piano...?

DOÑA MATILDE. No.... .... ¡Válgame Dios, qué desgraciada soy! BRUNO. ¡Desgraciada! ¿Qué dice usted? DOÑA MATILDE. ¡Oh, muy desgraciada, muy desgraciada! BRUNO. Pues señor, ¿qué ha sucedido? acaso su papá de usted....

The most significant matter connected with this scene in the early version of the poem is the stage direction, which reads thus: "Orfeo cantando sopra il monte in su la lira e seguente versi latini fu interotto da un pastore nunciatore della morte di Euridice." The name of the actor of Orfeo is mentioned as Baccio Ugolino.

From the pass, my road descends into the broad and cultivated valley of the Passin Su; the road is mostly ridable, though heavy with dust.

Notwithstanding this, they are eaten by many tribes of Indians, and even the French Creoles of Guiana have their "bat-soup," which they relish highly. The proverb "De gustibus non disputandum est," seems to be true for all time. The Spanish Americans have it in the phrase "Cada uno a su gusto;" "Chacun

Old Michell and his wife come to see me, and there we drank and laughed a little, and then the young ones and I took boat, it being fine moonshine. I did to my trouble see all the way that 'elle' did get as close 'a su marido' as 'elle' could, and turn her 'mains' away 'quand je' did endeavour to take one.... So that I had no pleasure at all 'con elle ce' night.

My laoban, Enjeh, pointing to this mighty mass, said, "Pin su chiao;" but whether these words were the name of the place, or were intended to convey to me his sense of its magnificence, or dealt with the question of the precariousness of tenure so far above our heads, I had no means to determine.

Y no vemos en todo ello ninguna asechanza o peligro para su virtud, sabiendo que esas mujeres que van a esos puntos y se exhiben de esa manera son madres, esposas, o hijas que tienen deberes que atender en sus casas.

The Saxons, when they first settled in England, had the words su, "pig," and sugu, "sow;" and later the word hyena was taken from the Latin word hyaena, itself derived from the Greek huaina, "sow." The words furnish and veneer, again, are doublets which do not resemble each other very closely either in sound or in sense.