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Late one afternoon, two weeks after his last meeting with Consuello and Gibson, Brennan and John were gossiping at the office, speculating on Gibson's next move. "He'll pull another stunt soon," Brennan declared. "When he does it's up to us to dig in and find out what's behind it.

It was plain that all the people cared for was to see the monk. The managers held a council of war and decided the show would be ruined if we didn't make a bluff at having an ourang outang, so it was decided that I was to be dressed up in Dennis' clothes, and put on a monkey mask, and go through his stunt at the afternoon performance.

But unfortunately, space exploration isn't a stunt. We've gotten this far because somebody wanted to do something. But " Then he said, "It could be done and the United Nations wouldn't do it. So the United States had to, or somebody else would have. You can figure who that would be, and what use they'd make of space travel! So it's important. It's more important than stunt flights we could make!"

Lots of theatrical and musical people come here. If a man or a girl can do any stunt worth while, there's a chance." "I'd have to have something more than board," said Susan. The proprietor frowned down at his stubby fingers whose black and cracked nails were drumming on the table. "Well I might give you a bed. There's a place I could put one in my daughter's room.

I'd always had a notion that I'd be a plute some day; but honest, I wa'n't expectin' it so sudden. I was just tryin' to get used to it, when the door opens and in drifts that guy from the Marshal's office. "Where's Mr. Belmont Pepper?" says he. "Well," says I, "the last time I saw him he was headed west." "Skipped out!" says the gent, doin' the foiled villyun stunt with his face.

So the moving of material of this kind is wearing. Another line of man-killers that we had to move were "toffy apples." This quaint toy is a huge bomb, perfectly round and weighing sixty pounds, with a long rod or pipe which inserts into the mortar. Toffy apples are about the awkwardest thing imaginable to carry. This carrying stunt went on for eight long days and nights.

"Come back to the bar and fortify yourself against the thin red line of British soldiery out there in the gardens. You can get a ripping highball for eight piastres," laughed the newcomer. But Benton declined. "I am waiting for ladies," he explained. "I'll see you again." "Sure you will." Harcourt paused. "I dash up the Nile in the morning, going to do Karnak and Luxor you know, the usual stunt.

"Why, Gil was here," he said slowly. "Lord! he's about due for a nutty stunt." Whereupon Delaney sent boys and players scurrying about to find Gilbat, and Delaney went himself to ask the Providence manager to hold back the gong for a few minutes. Presently somebody brought Delaney a telephone message that Red Gilbat was playing ball with some boys in a lot four blocks down the street.

The wardrobe woman fixed my up like Dennis, and I had seen him go through his stunt so often I thought I could imitate him, and of course there was no talking to do, but just to grunt once in awhile, the way Dennis did, and have an animal look.

They are scientific themselves, and talk of the survival of the fittest, and cut down the salaries of their clerks, and stunt the independence of all who may menace their comfort, but yet they believe that somehow good and it is always that sloppy 'somehow' will be the outcome, and that in some mystical way the Mr. Basts of the future will benefit because the Mr. Basts of today are in pain."