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With her left hand she guided Baldy, while Buck strode beside, never wavering from the easy, powerful stride that was the expression of his sinuous strength. "Were you ever tired in your life?" she asked once, with a little sigh of fatigue. He stopped in his stride, full of self-reproach. "Now, ain't that like me! Pluggin' ahead, and never thinking about how played out you are.

My heart was lifted up on hearing this, and again I strode into the midst of them, and, eyeing them with threatening looks, they were so much confounded that they abandoned their sinful pastime, and fled everyone to his house! This was a palpable victory gained over the wicked, and I thereby knew that the hand of the Lord was with me. My companion also exulted, and said: "Did not I tell thee?

Then he strode out through the gate, leaving her to speculate upon the mystery of his words and his odd action in leaving the chain with her when he could have personally returned it to Haydon. Harlan, however, was grinning as he returned to the bunkhouse.

They went away hand in hand, happy, like two dazed children for whom the sky has suddenly but not because they are young too miraculously opened, and the shrubbery swallowed them. He turned and strode back into the shadow. Mrs. Leroy sat crouching on the fallen timber, her head still bent. Stooping behind her, he drew her toward him.

Running women brushed against Milo in the passage; all the camp's living people had caught the fever. The giant strode on, until he stood in the rugged rock portals and gazed once more over the sea. The schooner had moved but slightly since he last looked at her; he could see Dolores's head still advancing, and very near to the vessel now.

Turning round they saw a dog-sledge flying over the ice towards them, with Oolichuk flourishing the long-lashed whip, and the huge form of their leader beside him. In a few seconds they dashed up, and Chingatok sprang upon the ice. Without a moment's hesitation he strode towards the plank and crossed it. Walking up to Anders he pulled his own nose.

Dreading he knew not what of additional misery to a lot which seemed little capable of receiving augmentation, and desperate at the idea that any living man should dare to send so extraordinary a request, couched in terms so imperious, to the half-betrothed object of his early and only affection, Butler strode hastily towards the cottage, in order to ascertain how far this daring and rude gallant was actually entitled to press on Jeanie Deans a request, which no prudent, and scarce any modest young woman, was likely to comply with.

I trust nobody... But, you wild hunter if you're my friend prove it!... Go kill thet greaser sheep-thief! DO somethin' an' then come talk to me!" With that he lurched, half falling, into the house, and slammed the door. Dale stood there for a blank moment, and then, taking up his rifle, he strode away.

"Seems reasonable," he admitted. But the father strode to his son. "No, no, Dick," he cried. "You shall not go! You shall not go!" Burke, however, shook his head in remonstrance against Gilder's plea. His huge voice came booming, weightily impressive. "Why not?" he questioned. "It's a fair gamble. And, besides, I like the boy's nerve." Dick seized on the admission eagerly.

"I think," cried Max, as he strode quickly to the door by which he had come in, "that the best thing you can do is to sacrifice your things, whatever they are, and to get out of the place yourself as fast as you can." As he spoke he lifted the latch and tried to open the door. But although the latch went up, the door remained shut.