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The state and dynasty have lately taken away the rights and liberties of our nation and trampled them underfoot." On June 15, the National Socialist deputy Stribrny, openly demanded the creation of a Czecho-Slovak Republic: "The German annexationist plans are doomed.

The deeds of our army met with equal admiration and gratitude also in Bohemia. This is clearly shown by the speech of the Czech deputy Stribrny, delivered in the Austrian Reichsrat on July 17, and entirely suppressed in the Austrian and German press.

Stanek and Korosec in the name of all Czechs and Yugoslavs in favour of a Czecho-Slovak and Yugoslav State, the speech of deputy Kalina denying all responsibility of the Czechs for the war, and expressing Czech sympathies with the Entente Powers, and the terrible story of persecutions which the Czechs had to suffer from Austria during the war, told by deputy Stribrny, formed a veritable "Mene Tekel," a death sentence pronounced by the Austrian Slavs on their tyrants in Vienna and Budapest.

As regards the horrors of the internment camps, in which over 20,000 innocent Czechs, men, women and children, were confined, we will only quote the revelations of the Czech National Socialist deputy Stribrny, who declared in the Reichsrat on June 14, 1917: "This war was begun by the Austrian Government without the consent of the Austrian Parliament, against the will of the Czech people.

The Czech deputy Tusar declared that "the war must end with the creation of a Czecho-Slovak State, with the victory of democratic ideas and with the defeat of militarism and despotism. We will obtain freedom, cost what it may." Thereupon the Czech deputies sang the Czech national anthem. The next day deputy Stribrny delivered a speech which we have quoted in a previous chapter.