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Smethwick was fair reelin' drunk, and Curbison and t' girl were a-houldin' on to him, to keep him fra fallin'; and then, after a bit, he puts his arm round the girl t' stiddy hisself, and that fashion they goes off, right oop t' public street He continued to unload the packages, and to carry them mechanically one by one into the house.

I ricollec' thess ez well when gran'pa planted that oak saplin'. My pa he helt it stiddy an' I handed gran'pa the spade, an' we took off our hats whilst he repeated a Bible tex'. Yes, that ol' oak was religiously planted, an' we've tried not to offend its first principles in no ways du'in' the years we've nurtured it.

And Grandma's face, in spite of her reproachful tones, was, above all, blandly sunlike and expressive of anything rather than deluge and watery disaster. Grandpa was silent a little while, then coughed again I had never seen Grandpa in worse straits. "A-hem! a-hem! 'Fanny' seems to be a little lame, this mornin'," said he. "I shouldn't wonder. She's been goin' pretty stiddy this week."

He held out a hand to show its steadiness. "Very good," Trove remarked. "Good? Why, it's jest as stiddy as a hitchin' post, an' purty nigh as stout. Feel there," said Tunk, swelling his biceps. "You must be very strong," said Trove, as he felt the rigid arm. "A man has t' be in the boss business, er he ain't nowheres. If they get wicked, ye've got t' put the power to 'em."

So I put a cinch on myself, an' got to sleepin' again from the full dusk to dawn, for Greevy wouldn't take the trail at night. I've kept stiddy." He held out his hand as though to show that it was firm and steady, but it trembled with the emotion which had conquered him. He saw it, and shook his head angrily. "It was seein' you, Sinnet. It burst me.

I go wid you now, dis berry minute, en I neber breve easy till we way, way off enywhar, I doan keer whar. Oh, Chunk, you doan know w'at been gwine on en I darsn't tell you twel we gits way off." "I isn't feared," replied Chunk easily. "Dat's kaze you doan know. I des been tremblin' stiddy sence las' night en I'se feared hit begin eny minute now."

And stiddy and swift, onheedin' any of our feelin's or fears, the great ship ploughed on, takin' us towards that wuz comin' to meet us onbeknown to us.

John Barret felt a strong inclination to slip his arm round Milly's waist and whisper, "Don't be afraid, beloved, I'll take care of you!" but want of courage to say nothing of a sense of propriety kept his lips silent and his arm still. "Noo, keep stiddy, all of ye," said Ian, as he shifted the helm a little.

"Stiddy, Charley," interrupted Dixon. A man ought to show respect to misforcune, Charley." "Shall I bring a pannikin of water for any of you gentlemen?" asked Willoughby, without a trace of ironical emphasis on the last word. "Fetch me one while yer hand's in," replied Bum Willoughby brought the drink.

Pomper so stiddy at my shrine, And I got so that I almost hated the good looks that wuz ondoin' him and me too.