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Stebbing was quite in accordance with the rest, with a little row of curls over her forehead, a terra-cotta dress, and a chain of watch cocks, altogether rather youthful for the mother of a grown-up son, engaged in his father's business. She was extremely civil and polite, and everything went well except for a certain stiffness. By and by the subject of the Whites came up, and Mr.

On the day previous to that on which Collishaw handed that fifty pounds to Stebbing, a certain Wrychester man drew fifty pounds in gold at his bank. Who do you think he was?" "Who who?" demanded Mitchington. Jettison leaned half-across the desk. "Bryce!" he said in a whisper. "Bryce!" Mitchington sat up in his chair and opened his mouth in sheer astonishment.

Stebbing, that of your own knowledge, Miss White has never encouraged your son's attentions. 'N -no; but we all know what those girls are. 'Fatherless and unprotected, said Sir Jasper, 'dependent on their own character and exertion, and therefore in especial need of kind construction. Good morning, Mrs. Stebbing; I have learnt all that I wish to know. Overpowered, but not convinced, Mrs.

"I'll take a look at it some time," said Jettison, putting the pamphlet in his pocket. "Well, now, I also understand that Collishaw was in the habit of bringing you a bit of saved money now and then a sort of saving fellow, wasn't he?" Stebbing nodded assent and reached for a ledger which lay on the farther side of his desk.

Valetta had learnt how many marks might be lost by whispering or bad spelling, and how ferociously cross Fraulein Adler looked at a mistake in a German verb; while Fergus had heard a dreadful account of the ordeals to which Burfield and Stebbing made new boys submit, and which would be all the worse for him, because he had a 'rum' Christian name, and his father was a swell.

'Oh! it was jolly, jolly, jolly! cried the boy. 'Stebbing hit the girl who made the sour face on her cheeks, and they all squealed, and the cad looked in and tried to jaw us. 'But that dreadful boy shot right into his mouth, said Val, while Fergus went into an ecstasy of laughter. 'Wasn't it a shame, Gill? 'Indeed it was' said Gillian.

The account of the damage and disaster below was new to him, as his partner had declared the stables to be certain to be empty, and moreover in need of being rebuilt; and he departed to find Mr. Stebbing and make inquiries.

'Where did you get that, Fergus? 'Up off the cliff over the quarry. 'Are you sure that you may have it? 'Oh yes; White said I might. It's so jolly, auntie! Frank Stebbing is gone away to the other shop in the Apennines, where the old boss lives. What splendiferous specimens he must have the run of!

Frank Stebbing and the foreman had to drive back anxious crowds, and keep a clear space. Then came running, shrieking, pushing her way through the men, the poor mother, who had to be forcibly withheld by Miss Mohun and one of the men from precipitating herself on the pile of rubbish where her children were buried, and so shaking it as to make their destruction certain.

White will trust to his own eyes and his own inquiries, he will find that I am right. She knew she ought to go, and Lord Rotherwood told her afterwards, 'That was not an ill-aimed shaft, Jane. Stebbing got more than one snub over the survey. I see that White is getting the notion that there's a system of hoodwinking going on, and of not letting him alone, and he is not the man to stand that.